"Uh huh! I understand you!" He happily said

It started to chirp more and speak with Antonio

"Of course they can come!" He said

Confused I looked into the sky and see a whole bunch of animals going to Antonio

The door suddenly changed into a image of Antonio with animals all around him

Everyone started to cheer including Me, I mean he just got a gift that he will have forever! I'm so jealous!

I then feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see... Myself??

Confused I started at... Well me. I squeezed it's cheeks and yup... It was me

All of a sudden it was Camilo

"I knew you'd be confused but I didn't expect you to squeeze me" he laughed

"Oh! Sorry I wanted to see if I was hallucinating or not! You have a pretty cool gift!" You smiled at him laughing a bit for your foolishness

"Thanks! If I'm being honest here, I'm pretty sure I have the best gift than all of my family- OW!" He exclaimed

Shocked you look behind him and see Dolores

"Oh hush! Sorry about him, I'm Dolores" she placed out her hand for me

"Nice to meet you Dolores! I'm Y/n and no worries about him! He's quite the funny one" I shake her hand back

"Yes but can be a pain in the-"

"Hey! Don't forget about me! I found Y/n first so at least let me talk to them!" He yelled at his sister

I giggled at his childness. Dolores rolls her eyes "yeah yeah you do your thing, oh! Hey Y/n when the party is over I'll introduce you to the rest of my familia"

"Sounds great! I'll see you later!" I waved

"Your sister is nice"

"Yeah but it's annoying when she knows everything!" He crosses his arms

"I mean she can't help but listen, to be honest if I had her gift I'd probably listen into everyones business too!" I laughed as we start to walk outside to have more space

"Yeah, can't say I'd do the same thing too, oh! Think you can come over some time tomorrow? My cousin in gonna get proposed to by her boyfriend!" He says going in front of me stopping me in my tracks

"Hmm maybe, I'll have to ask my ma, she is going to a business trip tomorrow and is trying to find someone to look after me" i sigh

I hated the idea of being watched over like a child, but it's understandable

"Ah! I understand, well I hope who ever watches you let's you come over!"

I hear people start talking in the house and turn around to see Mirabel panicking

"The cracks! They were... Every where! I promise I'm not lying!" She begged

"Hhmp! The Casita is Fine everyone! The Magic is strong! And so are the drinks... Continue to party!" Abuela says

I look at Camilo seeing if he knew what she was talking about, but it looks like he looked at me for the same thing.

"Well...im not saying that I don't believe her but I didn't see anything" I looked at the Casita

She then sighs and her mother calles her to give her some food

"Well, I must be going, I gotta get packed up. I hope I see you tomorrow, Camilo" I smile at him

Camilo POV:

They smile warmly at me

"I'll take you home! So your safe!" I said half truthful, I just wanted to spend more time with them. Not sure why, I just met them. But they make me feel... Happy

"Thank you! Follow me" They say as they start walking to their house

"So, pretty night isn't it" I tried to start a small talk

They look up and smile "yes it is, I've never seen this many stars from where I use to live"

"Yeah in Encanto you will always be fascinated by the night" I tell them looking up

I then look at their hand and had this sudden urge to hold it, as if it was heavy and they needed help holding it

But I fought back the urges because I didn't want them to be uncomfortable around me

I'm pretty sure if me and that urge were actually fighting physically, I'd come back all beaten up

"Here" I heard them say

I look at their house and see a window lit up

"Well, hope I see you again Cariño" I tell them hoping they didn't pick up on my nickname I gave them

"I also hope see you again, goodnight" they waved at me

I waved back as they closed the door, I let out a sigh, not because im glad they are gone ... But because I was fighting my racing heart

I walk back and see Dolores

"That's cute" she giggles

"What? What's cute?" I question

"Well I hope I see you again cArIñO" she says saying the exact words I said to Y/n

"Hey! Stop listening in on me and my life!" I yell at her

She just giggled and walk away

Y/n POV:
I took a shower and packed up all the things I need for a month

"Mija! I found someone! I'm pretty sure your gonna love who they are!" She says while coming upstairs to my room

"Yes Mama? Who is it?" I ask

"It's The Madrigals! I asked their Abuela and she gladly accept! How fun is that! " she happily clapper her hands

The Madrigals? I'm actually okay with them! I can actually see all of their family and still hang out with Camilo

"That's great mama! Thank you for not choosing a random old man!" I hugged her

Little did I know I was in for a ride...

Blep two stories in one day? Woahhhhh won't happen often but I got a bunch of ideas! Have a good day/night!

Happier (Camilo x Reader)  [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now