3: Dinner with the Blondes

Start from the beginning

"Oh! In that case, Kei can help you after dinner!"

He looked at his mom with wide eyes and violently shook his head.

"Tsk, Kei..."

"I have things to do mom."

Suddenly feeling embarrassed, you spoke up. "Ah, I can always find a video on the internet there's no need-"

"No, no. My son can help, he's a good tutor you know? Right Kei? He's very smart."

He rolled his eyes, "Fine." He scoffed.


A while later...

After dinner you offered to help wash the dishes but Hitomi insisted that you go upstairs to Kei's room. You followed him upstairs and down the hall into his room. When you entered his room, you were surprised with the contents you found within. It was a normal layout, a bed here, a few floating shelves above a desk there and a bookshelf. But the items that filled the shelves were what surprised you, you didn't expect for such a rude guy to have interest in a childish thing.

"Nice dinosaurs." You tried to hold in a laugh. His face went red at those words.

"Sh-shut up."

"I wasn't making fun of you."

"Uh huh."

"No really," You went up to his bookshelf where he had a mini figurine of a dinosaur skeleton displayed. "I swear, I see why your interested in them. I just never thought you'd be interested."

He came and stood beside you. "Well..."

"To be fair, I do like fossils, they're cool. Back in America my family and I would go to the beach and look for them."

Tsukishima looked down at you suddenly realizing that maybe you are an interesting person.

"They were mostly marine fossils though, sharks teeth, whale bones, things like that. But it would be cool to find dinosaur bones." You stopped speaking. "Sorry, I went on rambling."

"Tch, yeah." He put on his rude act again. Sighing, he bent down to take notebooks out of his bag. "Let's just get this over with, what subject do you need help with."

"Uhm, math. I'm not that good at it..."

He groaned, "This is going to take a while with that stupid brain of yours."

You felt a pang in your brain as you heard those words. Yeah you knew you were stupid, you knew you weren't good enough, but hearing it out of someone else's mouth was different.

"E-Excuse me?" You said shakily, clenching your fists. There was a lump in the back of your throat, threatening to disperse at any moment. You wanted to cry, but you couldn't. Not in-front of this guy who would just make fun of you for crying.

"Just come here it's getting late."


At Home

You laid in bed as you thought about what Tsukishima said earlier.

He probably said that as a joke.

And he did. He said it as a joke because that's the kind of person he is. But you couldn't help but feel let down. How do people like him exist? How can someone be born naturally smart? You couldn't imagine.

You stared at the ceiling, it was 12:34 am, you needed to sleep so you wouldn't at school. The silence was broken when your phone rang. Who could be calling at 12 am? You picked it up to see that it was your younger brother. Your eyes lit up as you hit accept.

"Bro." He said.

"Bro." You replied.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in school right now?" You asked him.

He wheezed into the phone, "Shouldn't you be asleep?" He replied.

"Shut up, pay attention to the class."

You heard screaming into the phone and winced.

"What the hell?"

All you heard was laughing on the other end and then suddenly the phone hung up. You scoffed as you put the phone down, you didn't bother to call back. Yeah, you missed your brother but not his rowdy attitude. But he did put you in a good mood. You sighed as you closed you eyes. Getting ready for another school day tomorrow.

authors note:
i tried (and will try) to incorporate some of my interests into this story. for example, in this chapter, y/n looks for fossils at the beach which is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. i have a whole box of shark teeth and a part of a whales vertebrae that my dad found. it's really fun to do and i suggest you try it out!

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