"Hi" I say

"Where's your crown?" He asks

Instead of answering that question I just run upstairs start screaming into my pillow

Y/n's POV

In her nightmare

I was running from him, Dream he had a sword in one hand and a potion of swiftness in the other. He quickly caught up, once he got to me he pushed me to the ground and he put the sword to my chest.

"heyyy" I said nervously 

"This is just a warning!" he said whilst raising his swords to nose

I screamed in pain whilst he made a large cut on the bridge of my nose 

I woke up and I feel warm thick blood trickling down my face 

Philza's POV

Tommy, Y/n and Wilbur were asleep on the sofa and it was pretty cute, Tommy was almost fully off of the couch, Y/n was snuggled up against Wil, and Wil was leaning against the arm of the sofa. 

I pull out my phone to take a picture but then I notice y/n is digging her nails into the skin on Wil's arm, I go and move her hand off Wilbur and try and take a photo again but now Wil is awake.

"what time is it?" he asks

"Awww" He says with his heart melting by looking down at y/n 

a few seconds later y/n screams lightly but it sounds like she's in pain, then a large cut appears on y/n's face, she gasps then wakes up

"Wha-" Wil says

she puts her hand to her nose and then looks at her hand and sees the blood

(Freddy Krueger dat you?)

"ow" Y/n whines

"I don't understand how that happened but let's get that cut cleaned up" I say

she nods and walks over to the kitchen counter with me 

I grab the rubbing alcohol to clean it and pour some on a towel 

"Do you know how this happened?" I ask

"no, it did happen in my dream though" Y/n answers

"This is gonna hurt" I inform her

She squints her eyes shut and I put the towel with rubbing alcohol on the bridge of her nose, Y/n whimpers when I dab the towel across the gash

"all done with the rubbing alcohol" I say

I open up the cabinet and grab out a box of band aids, I grab one out just big enough for the cut and put it on her nose.

"Dadza, you never answered my question what time is it?" Wil asks

"8:30" I say

"Thank Youuuu" Wil says

Techno's POV

"Shit it's the 19th" I whisper to myself 

I pick up my phone and see another text from Dream

Weird homeless teletubby

You need to bring your family
today :)

If you insist 


I send Dream the text and go downstairs.

 I see Tommy and Wilbur fighting with fake swords, Wil is carrying y/n with her arms wrapped around his neck whilst she's reading a book. Phil was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"That's not fair you have a team member! PHILLL" Tommy yells

"I don't care Tommy" Phil says 

"Does it look like I'm even doing anything Tommy?" Y/n asks sarcastically 

I sorta just tuned them out after that, I was alone with my anxiety, I am not visibly scared on the outside but on the inside I am terrified. 

I don't know what shit Dream will pull today..

================================================================================================================================================================924 words 

Hello luvs <3 I don't know how I finished this chapter so quickly, my winter break has been extended till the 10th of January so expect a couple chapters, if I don't get them done don't come at me. I hope you guys are doing good and remember stay safe. 

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