"Wait!" she said as the dragon broke open the wall of the second floor before it breathed fire on the soldiers inside, causing the five to back away but Genesis got slightly burned on her arm, inciting a pained scream from her.

"Gen!" Lyla shouted worried, really wishing she could use her powers but knew it was only a last resort

"I'll be okay." She reassured as the dragon left the tower. "Come on, jump to the inn!" she instructed as she jumped through the hole on the wall and to the open hole on the roof of the inn below.

Akatsuki carried Akiza, holding her closely before jumping in after Genesis. Lyla held Reiko's hand and the two followed suit. All five landed hard but were okay, except for Akatsuki, who had a bad landing and twisted his ankle.

"Well, this sucks. S-So much for my dancing career." he managed to snark despite the pain

Genesis helped him up as she guided them through the burning town, having memorized where to go without the aid of Hadvar or Ralof. "Come on, the keep is close!" she told the others as they got near their destination but not without some injuries.

"Sorry to be a 'drag'." Akatsuki apologized and punned at the same time

"I like it when you're joking Suki but not right now." Lyla requested as she shook off her own injury

Lyla got burned in the leg when a burning corpse landed on her, Reiko got hit in the side by a rogue arrow that a burning soldier released, and Akiza got cut on the cheek by an arrow that flew past her.

"In here!" Genesis said as the dragon landed on top of the keep and breathed fire on where they would've been had they not entered the keep.

Once inside, they all took a quick breather.

"Holy...shit.." Akatsuki finally said

"Oh my gods.....oh my gods.." Lyla repeated to herself

"So, how was your first hour in this world..?" Genesis sarcastically asked.

"AN HOUR?!" Akatsuki and Lyla shouted

The sound of sobbing caught their attention and they looked back to see Reiko and Akiza, crying in each other's arms. The shock of the execution from earlier came back at full force.

"Poor girls.." Lyla muttered

"I can't blame them. Those heartless bastards...they were willing to kill a kid.." Akatsuki muttered

"Akatsuki. We're not kids in this form." Genesis gestured to themselves. It was true, their appearances looked slightly older now, around their early twenties or so, like 21 or 22.

"To them, we're young adults that they have permission to kill because we tried to illegally cross the border when we first arrived here." She told him.

"They're kids to me.." Akatsuki muttered, looking at the crying girls with pain in his eyes

"I know." Genesis muttered as she held a dagger she took from one of the soldiers earlier and began cutting herself free. Once she was, she began to cut the others free so they were more comfortable to hug each other.

Genesis then embraced the ice and soul goddesses, ignoring her burns.

"T-that was horrible.." Akiza whimpered, sobbing in Reiko's arms. Reiko was crying too hard to comment, her fear of nearly being killed hit her hard.

Lyla and Akatsuki held the three.. Despite being adults in this form, they still saw them as kids. Akatsuki and Lyla's facades were crumbling as well, as fear was slowly sinking in

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