"Aren't we all?" I numbly speak.

"Capo, you are neither a pussy nor a coward. You raised hell only to secure heaven for us and protected us even though knowing that you are so near to the edge of the death." I sigh leaning against the wall of the elevator as we wait for the ding sound to make.

"Inform Carlos about the third failed attempt we made. Secure the house of Salvatore cause-" My eyes widen in realization of the issue I am taking in hand.

"Fuck." I curse pushing few strands of my hair behind.

"What happened, capo?" Monica is now alarmed but so do I.

"I fucking believed that Russian bitch." I snarl banging my fist against the elevator door.

"What did she say?" I narrate her the exact story Molly told me and both of us now fumed in anger, but I, on my naivety.

"Order Alessia to guard that bitch and keep her alive until I come there to personally greet her." I grit my teeth annoyed at deja vu scenes.

"Sure." She fishes out her phone typing furiously on the screen. Meanwhile, the door opens and we more like rush out to look at our army.

The first room is Salvatore and we break down. I can't, no more act like a tough bitch when internally I scream in emotional pain. Few drops are enough to shed but how come I only pour limited amounts of liquids when I have stored buckets of tears from my past?

Monica hugs me sideways allowing me to give away any strength I have stored inside me. He is brutally battered making me choke my scream. I painfully walk toward his bed and sit beside the stool.

"How long will he be in this state?"

"Its a temporary stage so needn't have to worry. Probably weeks or two to three months." I sigh clutching his hand that is remotely numb.

"I just hope we win this round." I mumble rubbing my palm with his absentmindedly.

"We will, capo."

"I would like to meet those fellow people who are injured but can speak." I request Dr. Russo and we quickly shift to another room.

One of the patient looks at me with wide eyes lifting himself up a little from the bed but I quickly deny any action making him contribute his respect through his mouth. "Our queen."

"How are you?" I ask him.

He looks at me with solemn face, "I am so-"

"Don't be, Ronny. It's okay if we failed once but it won't happen again. I swear."

He bends his head down, "We are proud to get such a good queen in our empire."

"And I am blessed to get people like you in my kingdom." I turn back to look at both the women standing behind me. Monica got the message and takes Dr. Russo along with her outside the room.

I turn front sitting on the stool, "Tell me what happened." I demand him letting him spew out scenes collected in his memory.

"We thought we were near to the mother's hideout but when we occupied the house, everything felt like they were planted intentionally as they knew we will be taking those routes. The wooden house only had four cameras that we shot down and entered inside the house from four different directions but as you know Salvatore sir was leading the group got the after effect of the burst."

My brows furrow into confusion, "Wait. Did you have any idea as how the bomb burst?"

"No." His eyes squints thinking deeply but then his eyes widen, "Oh shit!" He exclaims.

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