Rye knew too well how it felt to have Brook fling a slipper at him.

"What an idiot." She rolled her eyes, pushing her hair out of her face.

"What did he do this time?"

I felt the heat of her stare before she looked at me. The feeling made me shiver.

"I'll tell you when he decides to fess up about it. I've given him plenty of chances to come clean."

I blinked at her.

She stood up, brushing the dog hair off her leggings. "Thanks for the rant sesh. Expect another soon. I plan on squeezing the confession out of him."

She disappeared into the hallway before I could question it.

Sighing, I rested my head on my desk. Physical and mental exhaustion had become one by this point, and sleep sounded more and more appealing.

Another short buzz from my phone told me that plan had to wait.

March 18

Dream ✔ (@Dream)
i have a question

oh you're busy

Lani (@lanicorn)
You're fine Dream
Brook was just complaining for over an hour

Dream ✔ (@Dream)
about what??

Lani (@lanicorn)
It started with work and ended with
a sexist target employee

Dream ✔ (@Dream)
no offense but she sounds like a lot

Lani (@lanicorn)
She is sometimes
She does this a lot

Dream ✔ (@Dream)
great friend you got there

Lani (@lanicorn)
The best
Anwyay what's your question?

Dream ✔ (@Dream)

Lani (@lanicorn)
You said you had a question

Dream ✔ (@Dream)
yeah so i need you to settle an argument

Lani (@lanicorn)
Lmao ok
Better not be another pineapple on pizza thing

Dream ✔ (@Dream)
it's not
if it was, i wouldn't be asking you

Lani (@lanicorn)

Dream ✔ (@Dream)
ok so sapnap thinks since he got your insta first
he'll see your face first
that's not true right??

i mean i was your friend first

Lani (@lanicorn)
Actually bad got it first
But no that's not true
Tbh neither of you idiots are seeing my face

Dream ✔ (@Dream)

Lani (@lanicorn)
Because I've never met either of you??
Internet safety rule #1

Dream ✔ (@Dream)
that's only for strangers
so just sapnap
i'm your best friend

Lani (@lanicorn)
Sorry buddy
That spot is filled

Dream ✔ (@Dream)
by the one who complains and treats you poorly?

Lani (@lanicorn)
Hey that's not fair

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