Okay, Sam has a good point. It would be impossible to get out unless...

"Not unless we kill her." I said, breaking the silence. 

All eyes turned towards me, most of them in shock. Looking at all of their faces, Sam was the one that showed the most floored expression. 

"What? I can't be the only one thinking about it." I said, putting my hands on my hips. "But killing Dr. Reyes?" Sam asked, flabbergasted. 

"Olivia's right." Dani said, "The only way to take down the force fields is by taking out the source." Boys and Rahne seemed to be the only ones uncertain about it. 

"Reyes didn't hesitate to try to kill Dani, when she received the orders from her superiors." I said, pointed at Dani. "And if she's capable of killing one kid, who's to say that she hasn't killed others in the same fashion?" I asked, rhetorically. 

It grew silent as they were thinking it over. It was almost suffocating.  

"Then let's kill the bitch." Illyana said, breaking the silence. I knew she would be down with killing Reyes but having her say it out loud was just the thing that I needed, and I was grateful that she was on our side. 

"Okay, let's do it." Berto said, which made Sam nod along with Rahne. "Great. Now that we're all on board, does anyone know where she was last seen?" I asked, since I hadn't seen her before everything went to hell. 

"She got away from me in the hospital room, but I didn't follow her." Rahne said, shifting her feet and bringing her hand up to bite her nails. 

"Illyana and I saw her by the rooms when we were trying to run away from the smiley men." Sam said, "But she was all cut up and bleeding like she had gotten into a fight. I'm guessing that was you." Sam gestured to Rahne. The rest of us turned towards Rahne in shock.

"What? She was killing Dani." Rahne defended herself. "Just didn't know you had it in you." Illyana said, getting up from her chair to join our little circle. 

"If she was bleeding then that means she left a trail for us to find, right?" Berto said and turned to Rahne. "Would you be able to track her scent?" He asked. 

That's a good idea. Find her before she finds us. 

"Yeah, I can." Rahne said confident in her abilities. "Then let's go." Dani said, and we all walked out of the office with Rahne leading us, Dani right behind her with Berto and Sam after and Illyana and myself bringing up the rear. 

Rahne had partially shifted as to pick up the scent better. Her eyes changed colors, her nails grew longer, and she grew some hair on her face and neck just like when we were in the hospital room. 

It didn't take long for Rahne to find blood droplets on the floor that came from Dr. Reyes'. It seemed like it was only a few feet apart before we saw another cluster of blood with single dots in between. 

"Well seeing how much blood in on the floor, Dr. Reyes is bleeding quite a bit." I said, as we continued down the hallway. "She probably retraced her steps to go back to the hospital room so she could bandage herself before bleeding out completely." 

Though where we were at the moment was a further away from the hospital room right now, but we were heading towards that general direction. 

"I don't think we should split up even to check if you're right." Sam said. Before I could say anything, Dani spoke up from her spot in the front, "Sam's right. Reyes is even more dangerous than we knew, and we have no idea what she's capable of, especially now that we know the truth." 

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