Chapter 13 - Conceal, don't feel

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HYDRA base, Siberia, November 7th, 1945

Evelyn tapped her foot impatiently. She threw Nikolai a glare as he glanced up at her from behind the Soldier's seat. She liked him and considered him a good friend by now, but God help him for taking his sweet time for a simple check-up!
After her own awkward and much-revealing examination, Zola cleared Evelyn for the trial, giving her full privileges and authorization to handle the Winter Soldier together with Nikolai. All other scientists were benched. Some were relieved at this since it meant their heads wouldn't roll if there was another failure. But there were others, those whose God-complex was too much for even their own ego to handle, who were outraged. They couldn't believe a mere nurse - and one with an American attitude at that - was now responsible for one of the biggest projects within HYDRA. They couldn't wait to see Fräulein Eva Roth fail. But to Evelyn Rogers, failure was not an option.

"Как долго?" Evelyn clicked her tongue as she addressed Nikolai.
(How much longer?)

"Его рука была повреждена пулей," he answered. "Просто убедитесь, что это только пастбище и ничего более серьезного."
(His arm got damaged by a bullet. - Just making sure it's only a graze and nothing more serious.)

"Что, вы беспокоитесь что он это почувствовал?" Evelyn's voice dripped with sarcasm.
(What, you're worried he felt it?)

One of the guards at the door snorted at her comment. She shot him a nasty glare over her shoulder.

"Что-то смешное?"
(Something funny?)

He quickly averted his gaze. Evelyn narrowed her eyes at the man. He was about her age but clearly still a rookie. He may be carrying that rifle all bravely, but she was certain he had never fired it. He had probably never even been to the war front, either. 
At least he had enough brains to know he shouldn't mess with her. Most people around the base, thankfully, figured that out soon. Rumors about what 'Eva' did to get into HYDRA and her taking over Zola's special trial spread like wildfire. She earned herself a reputation for being ruthless and cold, which worked out perfectly in her favor. If people feared her, they'd be less inclined to stick around too long. She could figure out how to get to James without anybody looking over her shoulder.

But first things first - Evelyn had to make sure James was still... well, James. Until then, she had resolved herself to not even acknowledge him as such. She'd been reading up on the Winter Soldier project, his files, and the reprogramming they did after every mission could be a problem. He hadn't given any hint of recognizing her so far. If his memories really were suppressed - or, worst-case scenario; completely gone - Evelyn had to retrieve those for him first. Helping James escape was futile if it meant bringing the Winter Soldier into the heart of the SSR. It would only end up in slaughter.

"Все готово," announced Nikolai then. "Только незначительные повреждения руки, о которых мы можем позаботиться, когда снимем ее с него позже. Подготовка к перепрограммированию."
(All done. - Only minor damages to the arm, which we can repair when we take it off him later. Prep for reprogramming.)

"Нет, стоп!" Evelyn held up her hand. "Сначала нужно сделать обследование. Удары электрическим током могут дать нам ложные показания на его жизненных силах. Перепрограммирование может подождать час."
(No, stop! - We need to do the examination first. The electric shocks could give us false readings on his vitals. The reprogramming can wait for an hour.)

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