His brothers knew the difference in treatment their parents gave him – only providing his basic needs other than love – and the glares their mother threw at him so they took it upon themselves to watch over him and give him all the support and love that he needed. That was all he needed to survive.

Taehyung: Please don't. No drama for me tomorrow, I beg. [2:42 AM]

Taehyung: Good night, hyung. I'm sleeping. [2:42 AM]

Seokjin Hyung: Okay, night night Taetae [2:42 AM]

Taehyung: Taehyung [2:43 AM]

Seokjin Hyung: Taetae [2:43 AM]

Taehyung: GOOD NIGHT [2:44 AM]

He chuckles as he turns off his phone, standing up from his seat to head to his bedroom. He'll never let anyone know that his heart always melts every time his brothers call him by the nickname they fondly called – Taetae. The nickname his biological mom had sewn the name on his baby clothes before she even gave birth.


Winter, 1995 December 30

Seokjin and Namjoon's eyes ogled at the baby their father held in his arms as he crouched down to the two boys' level, "This is your younger brother. Go say hi to him."

"Dad, he's so tiny! Be careful, you might break him," a worried Namjoon flashed his puppy eyes at his father, making him laugh.

"Don't worry, dad's very careful with Taehyung," their father reassured.

"Who's Taehyung?" A confused Seokjin asks, trying to have a peek of what was bundled in a lump of sheets. "This is Taehyung, your baby brother," revealing a small baby who slept soundly in their father's arms.

He took one good look at him and smiled widely, "No, he's not. He's Taetae. See, it's even written on his blankie. T-A-E-T-A-E," Seokjin says proudly.

Their father smiles lovingly at the three of them but it falters as soon as he sees the devastated look on his wife's face. She knew of his affairs with countless women but she never thought he'd get one of them pregnant. What's worse is that instead of abandoning Taehyung, he decided to bring him home to their once peaceful and happy home.

"How come he looks like you but he doesn't look like mom?" Namjoon asks.

"That's because it's not mine," their mother scoffed.

"Mom, it's he, not it. My English teacher said that's not how you refer to people," a confused Namjoon corrected his mother. Their father tried to break the tension by distracting the two boys, "Who wants to carry Taetae? We can sit on the couch and take turns in welcoming him."

The two boys rushed to the couch as fast as they could and raised their hands, hoping one of them would get picked to hold him first. Since Seokjin was older and their father was scared of how Namjoon could sometimes be, he let him hold the infant first.

"Hi, Taetae! I'm your Jin hyung! You should grow up faster so I and Joon can play tag with you already," he beamed a wide smile at the baby who was sleeping soundly.

Namjoon moved closer to Seokjin and peaked at the yawning baby. He could help himself and found it amusing that a small human can sleep so much and yawn without breaking his sleep.

"Hyung, I think we should talk in baby language," Namjoon whispered.

"What? He looks like a baby bear. Did you hear me talk in baby bear language? Rawr rawr?" Namjoon shook his head while gnawing at his nails. Although he was afraid of hurting the infant, he still reached out his finger to touch Taehyung which he immediately grabbed, making his eyes grow in excitement.

"Aww, he grabbed me!"

Their father carried Taehyung to Namjoon's lap next but the toddler was too scared to hold him yet, "What's wrong, Joonie?"

"I don't wanna hurt him, dad. Taetae is sooo small," he looked at the infant warily.

"Don't worry, I know you're a good hyung. Look, he's even smiling at you! I think he likes you," Namjoon was surprised that the baby smiled at him as soon as he was on his lap. He smiled widely and scanned the baby's features with soft eyes. His heart was bursting with so much happiness because he's always wanted to have a younger brother.

"Hi, Taetae! It's me, Joon hyung. I'm a big brother now, so that means I'm going to protect you always, okay? Hyung will be a good hyung, I promise!"

All of their affectionate gazes on Taehyung didn't go unnoticed by their mother who seethed hatred and anger through her gritted teeth at a distance as she watched her boys and husband caress the baby's cheeks as they exchanged giggles.

'I'm going to ruin your life the way you ruined my family,' she thought to herself. 


A/N: Quick changes, sorry :)

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