Chapter 1- Be Brave Be Strong

Start from the beginning

*You look to your mom.. you know you're not supposed to talk to strangers, she nods*

Y/N- my name is y/n but my mom calls me Odette

Alex- And why's that? *He smiles*

Y/N- because I want to be a ballerina..

*Alex smiles.. he twirls one of your braids between his fingers*

Alex- A beautiful Ballerina you will be...*He stands up and gets serious* Lizzie it's time we leave..

Elizabeth- Hold on please?!? You don't have to take her.. she's only 5! You can let us go!!

*Alex grabs Your mom's arm.. hard.. your mom cries.. you run and hide under the bed*

Alex- She's old enough.. you brought this upon yourself.. you lied, you ran, if you had obeyed she wouldn't even be an issue.. now she's Hydra's to use as we see fit..

Elizabeth- I wasn't alone in making her *She fires back* I shouldn't be the only one punished..

*Alex laughs and pushes Elizabeth away.. she hits the wall*

Alex- With how many lovers you had I doubt she's mine.. but I'll treat her as such.. for her sake.

Elizabeth- You know as well as I do I didn't have a choice..

*Alex smiles*
Alex- Elizabeth.. you were one of the best.. you always had a choice.. if you had said the word Hydra would have made sure you had a future *He motions to where you were standing* without a burden..

*He looks down and sees that you are gone.. he sees your doll sticking out from underneath the bed.. he chuckles*

*He walks towards the bed and crouches down*

Alex- Odette.. come out here..

Y/N- No! You're going to hurt me!

*Alex smiles*

Alex- Feisty.. we'll have to break that..

Elizabeth- Don't touch her!!

*She tries to run at him but she is held back.. Alex pulls you out from under the bed.. you kick his knee and run to your mom.. she holds you and whispers*

Elizabeth- Whatever happens my little Odette be Brave and Strong.. *She tucks the necklace in your pocket* remember I love you.. everything I did was because I love you. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you from this..

*You are pulled away*

Y/N- No!! Mom!?!? Let me go!!! Mom!?!

Elizabeth- Don't you touch her!!

*Alex looks at her*

Alex- I will never lay a hand on her...

Elizabeth- Somehow that's worse.. your supposed to protect her!!

*You are knocked out and the last thing you hear is a gunshot and an man speaking to Alex.. the man's voice sounds kind... almost sad.. he sounded familiar. like home*

Agent- Agent Pierce? What should we do with them?

Alex Pierce- put the child in my car... throw Elizabeth in the ocean.. make sure no one can find her.

Agent- yes sir.. *It sounded like his voice cracked, Pierce didn't notice*

*You wake up in a room with a bed, a desk, and a chair... your doll is on the bed. You pick it up and hold it as you pull the necklace out of your pocket, it's a small blue sapphire with a sliver ring around it and written on it is two words BRAVE, STRONG... you hold it close and cry. If your mom gave you this its because she felt she didn't need it anymore and you feel that's not a good thing. Alex walks in your room*

Alex- Hello Odette... may I call you Odette?

*You nod. You don't want him to but you are scared to say no.*

Alex- Odette this is going to be your home now and we are going to be your family... You will have a special teacher and training and we are going to teach you how to protect yourself and fight for your family.. does that sound good?

Y/N- Where's my mom *Your voice shakes*

Alex- She's somewhere safe, where no one can hurt her. Now, are you hungry?

*You nod*

Alex- Okay, let's eat!

*You walk down the hall; it's lined with doors. You pass by two older girls, one has red hair that is dyed Blue and the other girl is blond, she is only about a year older than you. They both look at you, the older one has kind eyes, but she looks so sad*

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