Chapter 11 | La Sorpresa

Start from the beginning

"Camilo likes you a lot you know" Antonio said casually causing Anza to raise a brow at him.

"And I love Camilo a lot." She said with a smile

"Do you think he'll marry you one day" Antonio questioned

Another laugh escaped Anza she was confused on all the questions today. "I hope he does, if he doesn't that's okay too. I got to love him and that's more then I can ask for."

"I want someone like you when I get older." Antonio said as he got up and hugged Anza tightly.

Anza smiled hugging him back, " You'll find your perfect person I know it."


Nearly a week later the day before the ceremony everyone was scrambling to get everything ready for tomorrow. Camilo and Anza had barely seen each other lately with how busy they've been and Anza started to miss him a lot but she couldn't do much but just keep focusing on making the twins night perfect. The day was long and busy and Anza kept breaking between cleaning and organizing to watching the twins and helping Mirabel per-fect their ceremony outfits.

After a long day night quickly settled in and an exhausted family sat in the living room ready for tomorrow to be over. Anza and Camilo were still apart as Anza was talking with the twins getting them excited and Camilo was talking to Dolores about tomorrow. The family talked for a bit before heading to bed all besides Anza who stayed back thinking on how tomorrow would play out. She sighed as she took her book out of the drawer of the beside table and flipped to the page she kept her family photo. "I miss you terrible people, Goodnight " she whispered to her self before putting back and putting her book away. She headed upstairs to hers and Mirabel's room and laid in her bed thinking for awhile before eventually passing out.

The next morning the family was up early finalizing everything and Julieta and Anza were cooking away in the kitchen. Everyone was doing their part and as soon as the cooking was done there was only an hour left till guests were to arrive. Anza was called to the nursery where Mirabel's as trying to get the twins ready but Victor was putting up a fight. Rushing over she barged into the room seeing a small twin on top of the bed saying "no" to Mirabel while the other twin was sitting on the other bed laughing while holding her stuffed animal. Anza laughed shaking her head as she seen the scene and entered the room closing the door.

The twins immediately stopped and went over to her hugging her. Anza smiled," Now can we get you dressed " Anza asked looking at Victor

"No ! I'm scared !" He shouted and ran away back to the bed

Anza sighed and grabbed his clothes from Mirabel and walked over to him. "Well even the most scared people have to be brave and look nice." Anza told him as she held up his nice clothes.

"What happens if I don't get a gift?" Victor asked walking towards Anza so she could dress him.

"If by that small chance you don't get a gift you can look to me and I'll still be cheering for you. Because you are my little Madrigal and you will be so brave that I'll still scream for you" Anza said as she put his pants and shirt on and tickled him a little.

Victor let out a laugh and smiled before hugging her. "Thank you" he whispered.

Anza set him down on the floor and put his shoes on before looking to Viviana. "Remember what I told you two, you are the only ones who can feel for each other right now. So for me please hold each others hand and be brave okay." Anza said to the both of them and they nodded in agreement.

"Okay let's go guys we're gonna be late. And thank you Anza" Mirabel said with a smile as she took the kids and headed down stairs. Anza sighed sitting on one of the beds smiled to herself. She was so excited for the twins but her mind couldn't help but wander a bit. She let herself get lost for a bit before shaking it off and going down stairs to make sure everything would go smoothly once guests arrived.

La Mariposa | Camilo M. X OCWhere stories live. Discover now