Chapter 29 - It's so crazy something in my life is better than a dream

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A/N - hard sexual content in this chapter. 
The time frames mentioned are the number of weeks Sigyn is pregnant, so iow we are following her progress.

9 weeks

"How are you feeling, my dear? You had us quite worried the day before last."

"Better, thank you. I feel so silly getting all worked up over nothing. I don't know how I could even think such a thing of him."

"Your hormones are more elevated now, Sigyn. Your emotions will overpower your thoughts much faster."

Frigga noticed her daughter shivering as she snuggled deeper into her fur cloak. She handed her the cup of mulled spice brew, which Sigyn gratefully accepted.

"How are you not freezing?" asked Sigyn. "Your cloak is so thin, and it snowed again last night."

"I'm afraid that is another little thing about being pregnant," replied Frigga. "Soak in a warm bath every few days. Warm, not hot. It will help even your body temperature. And it will relax you."

This, of course, was only partly true. Sigyn would feel cold as long as she was with child. Aelsa warned Frigga the spell and powder would have this effect as the ice-magic took hold of her flame. And this was for the best. The alternative of leaving it up to chance was simply not an option anymore.

"I still do not understand why we could not sit in the parlour instead of out on the balcony."

"You need the air, my dear. Loki tells me you have not been outside in three days."

"Pff, Loki should mind his own business."

Frigga sniggered at Sigyn's bluntness, and the young woman's cheeks reddened.

"Oh, forgive me, I did not mean..."

"It's all right," said Frigga. "As I said before, your emotions will take the better of you in the coming months. Reacting to tiny things the way you just did is all part of it. One minute, you will be laughing at a ridiculous joke, and the next, you will yell at your husband because he placed a book on the wrong shelf."

She suppressed a grin at the memory. Odin just barely made it out of her chamber alive that day. She had been absolutely furious at him.

"Men usually have a hard time dealing with women's emotions when we are in a blessed condition, so just remind Loki once in a while that you do still love him. Even when you feel like ripping his head off at times."

"'I do love him!" exclaimed Sigyn. "I think of him first and of myself last, and of how happy I want him to be. I did not even know that I could feel this way."

"Love has that effect," said Frigga.

"These past years, when I could not conceive... Loki kept a brave face for my sake, but I felt his pain. I felt him giving up hope. I never want to know that feeling again."

"You never will, my dear."

The two women smiled at each other. They sat in silence, enjoying the sight of the snow-covered golden turrets of the palace. The sun was still low in the sky for the time of the season and gave out a brilliant radiance to the city of Asgard. Even the Bifrost bridge basked in sun rays, the colours playing and dancing to a quiet intricate tune. In moments like these, with her home at peace and the sound of joy and laughter coming from below, Frigga truly felt her sometimes wayward heart and soul to be at ease.

"Frigga, may... may I ask... what else I can expect?"

The Queen turned to see Sigyn peering at her. She was amazed at the frightened expression on her daughter's face. It seemed unfathomable that a woman as strong as Sigyn found herself overwhelmed and intimidated by something that was a natural process of life. But then she remembered how she had been with her first child. Not Thor. There was another before him. Another boy who, despite her love and care, did not survive past infancy. She did not often allow herself to think of him, but she could not help but do so now - not of his death, but his life. And the way he grew inside of her. It was different with Thor. She knew what it all meant then. But with that first baby, everything was intimidating. Having Sigyn go through it alone as she had would be too cruel.

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