"Do you guys eat...you know...food? Human food?" I asked Niall while trying to sit on my bed...or Louis bed. When I think about Louis. Where is he? And where is the other guys?

"Wow, you ask your self many questions! And yeah we do eat food. Of course. I couldn't live without fast food! And the other guys is downstairs. And Clarissa is in Harry's room, I think Liam is in there too just talking to her and saying that dinner is soon ready.."

'Niall you can really stop with that! I don't want you to read my mind! They are private!' I said in my mind cause I knew he was listening.

"Okey..Okey.. I'm sorry. It's just what I do! Reading minds and eating!"

Niall and I actually laughed.

Liam's P.O.V

I was about to go in to Harry's room where Clarissa was staying in when I heard someone laughing a lot.

It came from Louis' room. Niall was in there with Roxy. I wonder what they was laughing of.

Both of them was laying on the floor laughing. God, it must be a really funny joke Niall told her or something.

Good that they get along

I opened Harry's door. Clarissa was still asleep.

I tried to wake her up but she didn't wake up.

"Hey, Clarissa. Can you please wake up! I need to talk to you"

She stood up and looked at me with tears in her eyes. I feel so bad for her. I knew we couldn't take her with us. But it was what we had to do.

I hate that we are vampires! And when we are famous is it so hard to keep it a secret since it is girls every where that is trying to get a hug or a autograph.

"Wh-what?" God she looked so sad. Wish I could make her want me. Wait.. what? Forget it..

"Harry is making us dinner. You want some?"

I asked her nice.

"YES!" She said as she jumped up from the bed. I guess she is hungry. I laughed a little. The same did she.

Clarissa's P.O.V
Ah! I can get food! I'm soooooooo hungry!

Liam was very nice to me. I liked that.

He reached his hand over to me. I took his hand and I followed him through the door and down the stairs.

He was a real gentleman. When we got downstairs I saw Roxy sitting in the couch next to Niall.

I let go of Liam's hand and ran up to Roxy. She saw me too and stood up. She was about to run too but I reached her before she could move her feets.

I was so glad to see her.

"I missed you so much!" I said hugging Roxy hard.

"I missed you too, Clarissa but you are serious squeezing me to hard!"

I let her go and hugged her again not that hard.

I think we stood like that in ten minutes before we heard Harry shouting "Dinner is ready to go down to your stomach!"

We all laughed and sat down by the table.

Roxy seamed to be a little scared of Zayn. Gosh.. I wish I knew why. I was a little scared of Louis. Since he was the last person... I mean vampire I saw before I passed out in front of every one!

I wonder what happened after I passed out.

"You guys! What happened after...you know I passed out?"

Every one looked scared, even Roxy. What happened?!

"Hey! Don't scream. I can tell you!" Niall said

What? I only screamed in my head!

"Yeah... Niall can read minds so you should be careful about what you are thinking" Louis said to me without taking his eyes from me.

"Sorry..." Niall said looking down at his food.

"It's okey.. So tell me what happen that night? I'm curious"

It was true. I was very curious! I really wonder what happened that night. I don't like to be the only one that doesn't know.

"Umm.. Well, it was my fault. I got a little drifted off and drank a little of your blood. I am really sorry but I could not control myself." Zayn sad with his sad face. Awwww! he is so cute with that sad face!!!

Niall laughed.. wait.. Did he read my mind again?

"Niall! Stop doing that!!"

Everybody laughed.

" Yeah, he did that to me too! He is really annoying at that point"

Again everybody laughed. Yey! We are laughing with five vampires. Two humans with five vampires. That seems....weired.

"And Zayn... I know that..or actually i don't know that it's hard to control your thurst but I think I understand and I forgive you...But when can we get back home?"

I really miss my family and i need to be with them. My birthday is coming up soon so I need to be with my family and celebrate my 17'th birthday!

"Ermm... You are not going home.. You are staying here with us..like forever"

WHAT?!?!? I can not stay here forever! I want my family and what would they think if i never come home! My dad will be....oh god... I forgot about my dad! he is probably freaking out!

"No, he isn't! He thinks you dead.." Niall said. This time I did't care that he read my mind, I was more shocked that my dad thinks i'm dead!

"What?!!!? Why did you do that!! He must be freaking out right NOW!!" I stood up and yelled at Niall.

I was so upset that I did't even care that I made him cry. Wow! I'm a bad ass! I made a vampire cry!

"Hey! Niall wasen't the one who set this hole thing up! It was all of us. And we needed to do because we couldn't kill you or Roxy and we couldn't let you go around and tell the world that we are vampires either...so this was the only thing we could do! So now you know. Can we please eat now and be quiet?!" Harry spooked to me. I sat down and ate my food.

I was soo hungry and also so mad at these guys! I couldn't belive what my ears just heard.

When we all was done eating we sat down at the couch and saw a move. Harry sat in a movie named 'the notebook' OH! I love that movie!

Harry and Liam sat next to me when I actually wanted to sit next to Roxy but she sat next to Niall so I didn't wanna interrupt their making out time 'in their heads'

Louis and Zayn sat on the floor since the couch was full.

Harry took his arm around me when Liam tried to hold my hand. God, this was not awkward at all. *sarcasm*

  God...wish I knew what would happen next.....


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Wow!! I maked two parts on 5 pages together in one day? I hope you enjoied them!! And hope you loved them!! Nexxt part is coming soon <3

question time!!!!

1. What would you like to happen in next part?

2, Who do you want Clarissa to like? Harry or Liam?

3. Do you like/love this story=

4 Do you think I should stop writing?

Loveee you guysss! BYEEEE for now....

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