Back inside to Future Church standing in front of "Cabose's Importent Lists of Stuf"

Future Church: Okay, here we go.

Radio sounds

Future Church: Come in Blue Command, do you read me.

Vic: (through static) Hello, hello, come in, do you read me, do I read you, hello, can you read me, what's goin' on, it's a secure channel here, come on.

Future Church: Uh yeah, this is, uh, Flowers, this is Captain Butch Flowers.

Vic: Heyyy, Captain Flowers, how're you doing dude? Hey I heard you died. Or you got promoted, wait a minute which one was it.

Future Church: Uhm... promoted.

Vic: Alright, great dude, how's that workin' out for you?

Future Church: Good. Listen up Vic, I'm actually uh... whaddaya call it, um intelligence now, military intelligence, yeah. And I uh, I need help on a very top secret project, uh, that's very secret. And very top.

Vic: I'm all yours, dude. Me Vic dude es tu Vic dude. In a ditideepti and all that.

Future Church: Here's what I need you to do. I need you to contact the Red Army, and have them send Medical Officer DuFresne, as far away from here as possible.

Vic: Red Army, no no dude, last transmission I received that Medic was at Blue Base. Got it right here in my log. No pun intended. Not sure what that means.

Future Church: Look it doesn't matter where he is, I just need him outta here. They're both the same to me.

Vic: Hello dude, you're telling me that Red and Blue are the same now in Blood Gulch.

Future Church: Right, exactly, the sides don't matter.

Vic: Heh, so Red and Blue are the same. Okay dude, well this changes everything.

Future Church: What?

Vic: Well I mean from starters we're gonna have to figure how to divide up the money from the office pool.

Future Church: Okay, okay, yeah, whatever, just remember. This is top secret, so you can't let anybody know that I gave you these instructions, okay? Or that we even spoke, don't even tell them that we talked together. You got it?

Vic: I will proceed accordingly dude, mum is the word. Actually bird is the word but the bird says mum. So we're gonna go with that. Over and out dude. (transmission ends)

Future Church: Well that should take care of at least one problem.

Vic: So... Red and Blue are the same. Well I gotta make some phone calls.

Cut to Simmons looking up at Past Church paralyzed from the waist down

Will: What are you doing hear near our bace?

Simmons: What the hell are you guys doing?

Tucker: Aw crap, the reds are here.

Past Church: What? Caboose, why didn't you say anything?

Future Church: (inside the base) Oh what the hell? Vic just had 'em bring Doc back over here? That guy's a fricking moron. Now I'm back to square one!

Cut to Past Church as a ghost talking to Caboose  Will and Tucker

Ghost Church: Guys, I keep telling you, if we have Lopez remove any of Sheila's pedals, she's not gonna function properly.

Red vs blue season 3 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now