"What are you working on?" I asked him.

"A suit" he hummed.

"A suit?" I tilted my head.

"The Ironman suit" he said in a focused tone. "I use it as my weapon and defense whenever it is needed...including using it against that husband of yours"

"What does it do?" I was more curious about the technical aspects, rather than the last bit he said.

"It's made from gold titanium alloy" his eyebrows furrowed as he continued to make adjustments. "It allows me to fly and gives me extra strength. It also has repulsor rays that I control with the hands of the suit, a uni-beam projector, pulse bolts, an energy shield, and an electromagnetic pulse generator"

I blinked, utterly puzzled.

He walked over to the center of the room and held out his arms. "J.A.R.V.I.S., activate the Ironman suit" 

Suddenly, all these pieces of his armor came flying out of what seemed like nowhere. I jumped, frantically looking around and silently praying that nothing would smack me in the face. In both awe and fear, I watched in utter shock as everything attached to him like a magnet, covering each part of his body one by one.

Once he was completely clothed, the face guard of the helmet lifted up. "What do you think?"

"I have never seen anything like it" my voice shook a little.

I guess this was why he did not like people being in his lab, cause this would undoubtedly be dangerous in some cases. 

"I invented it myself" he gloated. "When I was held captive in Afghanistan. Of course, I tweaked it a little once I was free, and like to continue on improvements"

"It is definitely something else" my heart was still racing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled a little. "J.A.R.V.IS., disengage" 

The armor fell off of him, clanging onto the floor.

"I am still working out some of the kinks" he scratched the back of his neck. "Clearly"

"You invented this yourself?" I asked.

He nodded, moving his hands proudly to his hips. "Like it?"

"I like it" I nodded. "Scary, but it is nice"

"That is kind of the point" he turned around. "Do you want to run off and tell everyone to get ready to go find a tree?"

"I can do that" I hopped off the table and walked back out through the door and up the stairs. 

Steve was not in the kitchen any longer, so I went up the other set up stairs to the hall where all of our rooms where. 

Getting to Natasha's first, I knocked on the door.

"Come in" 

I twisted the door knob and pushed it open. Over at a desk, she sat with her chin propped in her hand staring at a computer screen.

She typed something out, then turned to see who was in her room. "Oh, Eleanor, what's up?"

"My father said to get ready to go to the tree lot" I told her.

"Oh! Awesome. I'll get ready in a second, let me finish typing up this report really quick"

"Alright" I gave her a smile before walking out and knocking on Steve's door.

Almost immediately, the door opened, his figure towering over me. 

"Do you want to go with us to the tree lot?" I asked him.

Invisible Chains [Sequel to I Do(n't)]Where stories live. Discover now