Best Friends Brother

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It was stupid to get involved with your best friends brother, you knew that when you started dating and you knew it the moment you stopped dating. You'd dated Yoongi from 16 till 20 when he went off to become a big rap star in his band. It hurt that he left you the way he did but you knew he needed to achieve his dreams, still it didn't make being around him easier whenever he came back home for a visit. No one knew about your four-year relationship, you'd kept it hidden from everyone, including your best friend, you didn't want to risk her finding out and being upset about it. So it stayed a secret, something only you and Yoongi knew about, you were madly in love with one another and spent whatever time you could together. Late-night dates when your friend was asleep at a sleepover, sneaking out of the house to be with him, going on long late-night walks together, hand in hand where you could be a real couple, only to return to ignoring each other in front of your best friend.

When he left you things changed, it was hard to be around your friend sometimes, whenever you'd look at her, you would see Yoongi staring back at you, they did have the same eyes Afterall, whenever you'd stay over at her place and have a nightmare you couldn't go running to Yoongi with it, he wasn't there to look after you and it wasn't his job to anymore, he left you. Alone. Whenever he would come home for a break you would make up excuse after excuse not to come around to see your friend, you were either too busy with work, studies or sick. You couldn't risk seeing his face, seeing how happy he'd become while you were still left behind, falling apart because the one you loved didn't love you back anymore.


"Just come round! No one is home and I'm so bored!" Your best friend said down the phone to you, you looked at the clock beside your bed and sighed, it was 7 pm on a Saturday and you had nothing better to do. You knew Yoongi was due back any day but your best friend hadn't mentioned anything meaning he probably wasn't back yet.

"Fine, but I'm expecting snacks!" You said, taking the car keys from your cabinet and heading towards your garage, you could hear her yelling from the other end, and some cupboard doors, meaning she was getting things ready for you.


You'd missed spending time with her like this, it was carefree and nice. You'd both started watching movies together, then it lead to a pamper night, facemasks, nails and a bubble bath. It felt good to have fun around her and to relax, you'd missed being able to do that. Now she was asleep on the sofa next to you while you finished the movie that was playing on the TV, the doorbell rang and you frowned, you knew nothing could wake up your best friend once she was asleep so you got up and went to answer the door, standing there with a suitcase in the rain was Yoongi.

"Oh. Hi." You said moving out of the way so he could come in, you looked at the sofa.

"She's asleep...I can wake her up if you want?" He shook his head, his eyes trained on you, you looked down at your outfit, you were dressed in booty shorts and a tank top, you suddenly felt insecure about it and walked into the living room.

"I was about to get dressed and leave." You lied taking your clothes from the sofa and going towards the bathroom, you were almost safe inside when he pushed you inside, pushing your back against the door and locking it.

"You've been avoiding me." He spoke, you stared at him as if he was crazy.

"Well...that's what happens when people break up Yoongi...they avoid one another." You pushed him away from you and tried to leave but he put his hand on the door to stop you.

"You're mad at me? For leaving you?" You stayed silent, not wanting to talk about it.

"Look I made my choices and you made yours," That was it, you'd heard enough, you turned around to face him, tears in your eyes as you tried your best not to let them roll down your cheeks.

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