I was not only lost in thoughts of how alone and scared he must've felt all this time, but guilt also weighed heavily on my mind. Why didn't I push him until he told me what was wrong and why, just why did I send those pictures to his phone. He warned me that his stepdad, well I guess uncle-I'm still trying to wrap my head around that information-was monitoring his phone. The problem was, I didn't realize the reason he was punished in the first place was because he was getting too close to guys. I didn't think it was a big deal for Shoyo. Until recently he didn't have a clue how I felt about him, how any of us felt about him, and he sure didn't make it obvious that he was into guys. I never even thought that something like that could be so dangerous.

Of course, there are people in this world that will never accept that kind of relationship, but it wasn't even a thought. I knew I liked him and that was all that mattered, but my thoughtlessness ended up almost killing him.

"Umm, Kageyama?" I looked up and realized that everyone else had left the room. It was just me and Shoyo in this large, fluorescent lighted room. I found my way to a chair sitting next to his bedside.

"Sorry, did you say something?"

"Not really. I was just trying to get your attention. You looked like you had drifted off somewhere far away."

Hinata seemed to become observant at the most inconvenient moments. It baffled me how smart he was and how obliviously stupid he could be at the most obvious situations. I could tell his good eye was glued to my face. I couldn't bring myself to look at his badly beaten face and injured body. This was all my fault. I hung my head and sighed a shaky breath. I flinched and looked up when I felt his hand on top of mine.

"I'm okay Tobio." I shook my head at him and frowned, trying to keep my emotions in check. I was so angry at myself and wanted to scream out in frustration. I wanted to scream and at the same time I felt like I'd break down at any moment.

He repeated himself after a moment of silence. "I'm okay now Tobio." I shook my head and bit my lip as I looked up at him. His hand grabbed ahold of mine and squeezed firmly. The comforting touch left me shuddering out another breath. After he repeated himself for a third time, I couldn't stay quiet any longer.

I brought our hands up to my lips and gently kissed his hand. He looked a little stunned but quickly shook it off. I took my other hand and squeezed his in between both of mine.

"How can you say that you're okay after everything that has happened? Why aren't you mad at me? It's my fault that he found those pictures of us on your phone. You could've died because of me!" My voice ended on a hysterical note. I don't think I could survive if Shoyo hated me and never talked to me again, but it was what I deserved. I reluctantly let go of his hand, waiting for him to start yelling at me, or even kick me out of the room.

"Why on Earth would I be mad at you? If it weren't for you and your mom being so welcoming, I wouldn't have felt safe enough to come to your house tonight. You both saved me."

"But because of the pictures..."

"The pictures in the phone were my responsibility. I knew the risk when I brought the phone home without deleting messages. I lost my favorite picture of us together already. I didn't want to lose more. They made me so happy." I looked up and searched his face. Despite the bruising and the swelled eye, he had a small smile on his face. This made me calm down almost immediately. I could tell he was thinking of a certain picture, and it made me curious.

"What was your favorite picture? Maybe we can take another just like it." I suggested and noticed his good eye glance away from me for a moment as his fingers twitched. "What was it? Is it embarrassing?" I started to tease him.

"Don't get mad or creeped out, but when I slept over at your house, I took two pictures of us while you were still sleeping." My mouth gaped in surprise. I was not expecting that.

"What were you doing exactly?" I raised one eyebrow and smirked at him.

"Nothing bad, I swear. In one I laid down next to you and closed my eyes, so it looked like we were sleeping next to each other." I smiled as he started to fidget again. "The other one I got close enough to your face to make it look like I was kissing your cheek." He quickly adverted my eyes as a blush rose on his face. It was adorable how innocent he was. I placed my hand over my mouth to cover a chuckle trying to escape.

"Don't laugh at me. That was embarrassing enough to have to tell you." I grabbed his hand again and his attention fell on me again.

"I don't think it's embarrassing. It's probably the cutest thing I've ever heard." I smiled at him and hoped my embarrassment wasn't showing on my face. I had a feeling that the relationship between the simps and Hinata was in for a change.


Thank you everyone for being so patient!! I'm feeling a little better now. I didn't edit this chapter because I just wanted to post something for you asap. I hope you enjoy it. I'll try to post every other week.

Much Love,


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