"LEAVE HER BE!!" He yells at Kris who then takes a few steps away from me.

I lowered my head again. I felt defeated. He listens to The King, so there's obvious respect over our childhood friendship...

"YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM HER! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!" The King roars over to Kris, whom was walking to the doors with his head hung.

The King's piercing green eyes travel over to me.

His forehead creased and his top lips curled down. His nostrils flared at me before he roars my way.

"STAY AWAY FROM KRIS!" With clenched fists.

"Or I'll kill you!" He bears his teeth to me and follows behind Kris towards their exist.

They both disappear from my view, as my shaky, trembling body grips onto the stone wall for dear life.

I sobbed painfully. Every part of me hurting. The betrayal, the confusion, the life inside of me....

I can't do this anymore.


Bahms 🤴🏻 POV

"Kris, why would you go see her first? Why not come see me?" I groaned over to Kris as we walked up the stairs and into the halls.

He ignores me all the way back to my chambers.

Nothing but silence and his racing heart. Even his thoughts were quiet. He's hiding something....

I can sense he is very troubled about this whole situation, but I can't fully understand why....

There has to be  more.

He knows I despised Dark Witches. They are my enemy!

How could he go and visit her first before seeing me, even as far as entering her cell and having her scent on him!!

He infuriated me!!


I scan over his trembling and confused body. He's tensed and wants to say something to me.

What could he possibly have to say besides sorry for being disrespectful and not coming to see your stressed out companion!!

"Bahm..." He whispers as we enter my room.

He sits on my bed and takes his slippers off. He seems sad now. His whole aura shifts.

"What is it Kris. Just spit it out." I watch his eyes avoid mine and skim all over the room.

It's been a year since he's been back home with me. It hasn't changed that much....especially my room. It's all been the same, so why is he avoiding me?

I sit on the bed next to him and wait for the rest of whatever is on his mind, to slip out from his lips.

"Bahm...." He begins again and lowers his head onto his hand. Rubbing his forehead with great uncertainties. His wavy, long hair bouncing all over.

"Bahm....I know this witch." He wipes imaginary saliva from his mouth.

He looks over to me with red eyes.

He couldn't possibly know her! Why does he have so much emotions for her? HOW DOES HE KNOW THIS WOMAN!!!

My heart in his chest began racing.

What, has he bed her before?

I could basically taste the emotions all downstairs. He mustn't let her beauty define who she really is.

A Dark Witch!

"How do you know her Kris." My jaws on the verge of breaking from clenching down harshly.

"You spared her for me once before....years ago."

I twisted my face at him. What witch did I sp—

"Because I liked her, remember?" His brown eyes looks deeply into mine.

The hairs on my arms raised slightly, but died down within seconds.

The young teen that was suppose to ascend as a light witch....his first crush....

She was way younger back then....and she wasn't in between a magical broil like she is now.

I sighed and massaged my forehead with my fingertips. He wasn't going to like my reply, but times are different now. My life could be at stake now.

You know I can't spare her this time....
right?" My hoarse voice coming out weak.

I watch the side profile of his face as he turns away from me. He's red and seems hurt. He clenches his jaw repeatedly.

I already felt all the emotions spewing out of him when I woke up to him in the dungeons chatting away with her casually.

I can't let his feelings for an old crush get in my way.
Bigger things are at risk this time in age.

She's carrying my child and I don't think I can let her be.

She must pay for summoning any kind of dark spell on me, because a regular light witch's magic, couldn't do what she has created.


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