Chapter Two: I swear, I...

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That night, I lay in bed thinking of everything that happened. I chose not to think about the telepathy, because I was quite crazy and I might have just imagined it. On the other hand, I'd just gotten a dog that I loved more than anything in the world.

Why, thank you! And by the way, you are definitely not imagining this.

I am still not used to the creepy way you do that! Stop!

I won't. Anyway, didn't you say you wanted me to show you how to block me?

Oh, yes! Finally! So how do I do it?

Here is how: I'm not telling you.


Whoa, calm down. I can't tell you.

What do you mean?

Well, it's sort of hard to explain, but we are like, the animals that didn't turn into humans, and you were almost complete, but some of your powers were left behind. They're a bit defective, though.

What does that mean?

I'll tell you tomorrow. But it's already 11:30. You have to go to sleep.

Sometimes I think you're a robot dog and my mom put you up to this.

Very funny. Good night.

Bon nuit.


The next day, I was preparing to get out of bed ( yes, these thing take effort ) when LuckyCharms nudged me. 

Girl, I do need food.

So you have the ability to bother me hours and hours on end, but not to give yourself food. I understand, I understand.

I am not a human, remember?


Do I look like one? 

No. But I think hanging out with Brody yesterday affected your brain.

My brain is dead strong. This is why I can think to you.

Oh. Wait, think to me?

Do you think any body can hear us?

Well, yes. We live on a farm, which generally has lots of animals.

Let's see.

What do you mean?

Do you think  humans can hear us?


This is what I mean. 

Let's see.

Without warning, LuckyCharms started barking away.

 "What are you doing?! Mom will come, and when she sees me in PJ's at 6:30, she'll flip! I haven't gone out to help her with the horses and roosters yet." I admitted sheepishly.

Well, you see this as my fault? You haven't even fed ME yet!

I forgot you can't hear me outside your head.

Um, I obviously can. I just heard you scream like a maniac.


Thinkin' about pretty boy are we? She did the dog equivalent of an eye roll. You're obsessed.

You would know, if dogs fell in love.

They do.

Yeah, right.

 My mom burst into my room.

"Mia! Why didn't you come down to help me with the horses?!"  She screamed. She can be quite a beast in the morning and she's tired.

"Um, sorry, Mom. I'm coming." I shot a dark look at LuckyCharms, who shrank back.

Now see what you've done!

I still won the fight.

What fight?

The one about humans hearing us.

Oh, so you admit they can hear us!

No, I meant-


We'll continue this later. Meanwhile, I'm not human, and I can't GIVE MYSELF FOOD!

Whoa, no need to scream!

LuckyCharms looked at me.

You can hear me when I raise my thoughts?

You do know that sounds weird, right?

For you. I've lived at the Half Association and I lived with other dogs who never said 'voices'. We say thoughts.

I would say that's weird, but a better question would be what's the Half Association? I thought Mom adopted you from the  Lone No More Dog Shelter. She told me that when-

-you talked last night. I know, I know.

WHAAATT!! But you were playing with Frosting! 

'You were playing with Frosting.'  I know. But again, I can read your thoughts, or rather hear them. 

Back to: What's the Half Association?

I'm sorry, but I don't trust you enough to tell you yet.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I screamed.

What else in the world is wrong with you?!

Nothing, why?

When you shriek like that, it's ten times louder in your  head, and twenty times louder in MY head.

Sorry, not sorry. I shrieked because you literally said sorry. I would have never thought that you would say THAT. 

Don't you need to get ready for school?

Avoiding this conversation, are we?

Whatever. But don't you dare forget to feed me!

How could I? You won't let me to forget, and you have a food and water bowl. Go eat from them; as for me, I have to get ready for school, like you said.

Authors Note: Sorry for the kind of boring chapters. I'm a little busy. But I love the support! I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                            

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