Part 2: Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

There had been a few stories about the perils Marcus had faced over the years as a seller of rare and unusual books. Nothing bad had happened since the twins came to work in the shop, but sometimes Arjen worried. A while back, an angry customer threatened to expose Marcus to imperial authorities for selling "blasphemous titles," some she claimed slandered the imperial family, a serious crime. Marcus had coolly handled the situation without breaking a sweat. Arjen had thought that was bad, but now he wondered what else the shopkeeper had had to deal with.

Frieda put a hand on her hip and grinned. "But I'm not here to talk about that old devil." Devil? As in her husband? "I'm here for Nellie. Dear, how about you and I go out on the town for a bit? I'm looking to get some fabric and accessories for a new outfit I'll be designing. I'd like to buy you a new dress while we're at it."

Could Arien fit any more dresses in her wardrobe? Arjen thought not.

"I know you and your brother are practically attached at the hip," said Frieda, "but we won't be gone long, I promise. It'll be a chance to get out of this dusty old place for a while." She folded her hands in a pleading gesture. "I don't have any granddaughters, so please come with me."

Arien's eyes shone like silver saucers. She always relished the attention Frieda gave her. "I would love to."

Arjen didn't want to be separated from her right now, but he also wanted her to spend time with others. It had taken them both so long to open their hearts that any time they could spend with other people was precious. Arien always came back happy, and she had never looked that happy back at Derolina Castle.

'Are you okay with that?' she asked him.

'Why are you asking me? You can do whatever you want.' He nodded at her. "You should go."

She smiled brighter than she had in a few days, which warmed his heart. He watched her go with Frieda, silently praying that everything would be alright while she was out. The book sitting in the safe haunted the back of his mind.

"It's true my grandma sort of wishes she had a granddaughter," said Luther with a shrug of surrender. "Unfortunately, she only has me. And she can't buy me dresses."

Arjen turned a hard stare on him. Were you really alone in the back room with my sister? he wanted to ask, but he smashed the words against the roof of his mouth.

"But why let the girls have all the fun?" said Luther. He leaned forward on the counter and a smirk cracked over his face. "Did you know they're having a ball at that palace tonight?"

Something cold slithered around in Arjen's stomach. He really didn't want to hear about those people. "No, I didn't. What of it?"

"We should go steal a look. I know place where we can see it from afar."

Arjen swallowed and hoped Luther notice. "Is that okay? We wouldn't get caught?"

"Not if we stay far away. I used to do it a lot as a kid and I never got caught. The guards don't care as long as we keep a good distance."

Arjen had forgotten about the palace by the sea. Someone from the imperial family might be there. The fact there would be ball meant there was at least one of them there. "Why do you think they're having a ball?"

"Who knows? Nobles have parties for all sorts of dumb reasons."

Arjen lifted an eyebrow. Dumb reasons? What did he mean by that? "Maybe it has something to do with that foreign ship that arrived in the harbor?"

Luther snapped his fingers. "I bet you're right! They've never had a ball there that I was aware of, so I thought it strange they were having one now. I saw a few carriages with nobles yesterday."

The cold, slithery thing in Arjen's stomach began tying into hard knots. It made him sick to think even one member of the imperial family was anywhere near here, but it also presented an opportunity.

Could we take the book back to the palace by the sea?

No, that wouldn't work. If he went with Luther to watch the ball, he couldn't bring the book without raising questions from his friend. And he didn't know where this palace was, so he couldn't go alone.

No, no, no. I should let Marcus handle everything. That would be the most reasonable thing to do, and the most reasonable thing was also the least risky.

But his worries never settled after getting Marcus involved. If anything, his worries increased tenfold. He would never forgive himself if any of his friends got hurt because of that book. They needed to get rid of it, and fast. Marcus was supposed to start figuring that out, but now he was sick at home, and for how long?

Arien would never want to go, and she'd never let me go, either...

"So, what do you think?" Luther said. He peered at Arjen closely, having noticed the long pause. "Would you like to go?"

Arjen knew what he wanted to answer, but he was reluctant. It wouldn't be a bad idea to at least scout the place out, maybe find a good place to dump the book in a way someone could find it. But the problem of Arien remained.

I think I know how to fix that.

"Sure, I'll go," he answered.

"Sure, I'll go," he answered

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