Chapter 3: The Cave Dweller

Start from the beginning

"Now that you are rested and well supplied, we must be moving on. The brigade moves on and we must set out to catch it. Farewell ranger and may you meet merry friends along your adventure. All nine of us will be praying for your success."

"And farewell Promenelle elves, I pray that I may repay your kindness one day." Kael went to all that were present.

"Farewell and may our paths cross again." They all replied back.

As Kael strove forth down the path of umber stone a tune began to play behind him. It was not sad but melancholic. And it went by a single verse.

 Our time was short when our paths did cross

But we sang and played all day.

Although we're sad and must depart

Our memories will never be lost.

Soon the Promenelle encampment disappeared into the distance. The path before him curved around hills and skirted patches of trees. Kael consulted his map and checked the route before him. The nearest settlement was Suregrass but it was impossible to reach the location before the arrival of the storm. Worse still, thunder birds were large predatory animals with sharp talons full of lightning. It is best to take cover and stay out of sight when in one of their storms is spotted.

"I guess," Kael spoke aloud to himself, "I better go and find this cave before the storm arrives."

Kael set out with a keen eye over the darkening horizon. He set a quick pace, jogging over the stones. Whenever the path curved around the landscape, Kael with simple cut through the rock outcropping or woodland and then continue back when the path appeared on the other side. His training as a ranger made such feats easy and it was no time at all when he spotted the stump of a long forgotten oak. A small path dirt trailed north from it into the small patch of woodland. Taking the advice he was given he deviated from the cobbled path turning northbound.

It was twilight when Kael stumbled upon a grizzly scene. A body was nailed to one of the trees. Its skin was evergreen and its mouth gaped with sharpened fangs. The body had a muscular build and with little hair on its scalp. All across its form were many slash marks indicating that it had been in battle. Its wound were quite recent. However, what concerned Kael the most was that the creature was an orc.

Orcs were not natural to the world. For they were the forms taken by the corrupted souls of goblin kind.  Where goblins were stout and festive, orcs were tall and stern. They had no compassion and sought pain for amusement. Kael touched the forehead of the creature and gave a little prayer of sorrow for the goblin had to live broken and bound to a fate of cruelty.

Kael reached over and caressed his short blade of elven make. Orcs were not stupid and tended travel as bands. If one was here then it was possible that others  may be left in the area.  The ground he saw was covered in footsteps of many individuals. He looked all around the thicket but the nearby thunder claps and the wind discouraged his senses. 

He felt quite uneasy. For anyone could sneak upon him in such conditions. The sun was setting now and shadows filled where the light departed. He had to move quickly while advantage was still his. 

He raced up the path, crashing through the undergrowth. In the distance he could see a large outcrop of rock. A little light shined out from amongst the stone. Safety, he thought to himself and increased his speed.

All of a sudden Kael felt a shot of pain in his side. For some unknown force slammed into him. At the loss of his footing he fell face first towards the ground. He caught himself on the tips of his fingers and turned to see what had attacked him. In the corner of his eye, a sliver of silver came arching towards him. 

He had little time to think and so Kael acted. He rolled out of its way and into a nearby bush. Dirt flew in the air as the objected slammed into the ground. Kael drew his elven blade and ducked to the right. The bush shook as the assailant struck into it. 

Kael hid low among the foliage. This muddled his view but that did not mean he could not identify his assailants location.  All at once, Kael explode from the ground and swung his blade. His assailant turned and parried his swing catching the blade on the shaft of his spear. 

Each looked at each other with surprise on their faces. This was no orc, Kael thought to himself. For staring at Kael with glowing orange eyes and skin as dark as coal was a member of the draco clan. He was breathing heavily and focusing on Kael with his left eye, for his right was hidden under a cloth patch. Patterns of curving lines glowed orange around his body, the same color as his eyes. 

Before Kael could speak, the draco in a deep rumbling voice said, "You are no orc!" The draco raise his weapon and rested it by his side. "It is dangerous here! What is a weak elf like you doing alone in these parts!" 

"I was sent by some Promenelle elves to seek your hospitality. I did not expect that a draco would be here to greet me. Nor orcs to present me with danger."

"Ah, the merry makers." The draco replied. "If you are their friends than you are a friend of mine. I do not get many friends out here and so I welcome you gladly. I must, however, apologize for my hastiness. I had a battle with orcs earlier and drove them away. Did you happen to see my trophy on the way up here."

"It was quite noticeable." Kael replied in a nervous tone. He had no experience with the race of draco and heard very little of their culture. He was  not sure what to say or how to judge this strange encounter. 

"It is very noticeable indeed." The draco smiled gleefully. "All who will pass by will see the deed of a mighty warrior. They will know how fierce and strong I am. And it is good for I have had the worst of luck lately. But enough chit chat, for the storm comes quickly. I am Yarlin Glede, first son of chief Ulik Glede."

"I am Kay'El Trosden, ranger of Gerdow. You can simply call me Kael."

 "Well Kael, follow me. I have a toasty cave and food of plenty. I am quite eager to hear your travels and to listen to your singing. Perhaps, you will compose a song while we feast to celebrate my victory over these orcs!"  

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