40. Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"Okay. That makes sense," Andy said.

"Forgive my daughter Andy, she's permanently glued to her phone," Maya said laughing with her best friend who smiled in acknowledgement. "Speaking of Sarah, she's heading over now."

Maddie smiled and stood up to walk over to her girlfriend. "Hey beautiful." She said.

"Hey babe," Sarah said, quickly kissing her on the lips as she matched Maddie's smile and the two of them walked back to the tent.

"Better now I have get to see you," Maddie smirked.

"Mhmm, I could say the same!" Sarah agreed.

Maddie smiled and wrapped her arm around her girlfriend, "I'm excited for us to spend the night together at yours." She said.

Sarah frowned suddenly, "Oh yeah about that..." she said.

"What? Do you need to cancel," Maddie asked sceptical.

"No, no, no. Of course not," Sarah dismissed. "It's just uh, I need to warn you about my mom, she can be slightly, uh judgemental." She said.

"Oh..." Maddie stated confused.

"Yeah, she may say some stuff but just try to ignore it babe." Sarah said.

Maddie furrowed her eyebrow but nodded, "Okay. Do you think that she will like me though?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah, of course but she will just ask a lot of questions about you, and probably your life as well." Sarah said.

"Okay. Should I be nervous?" Maddie joked.

Sarah smiled and shook her head. "No I don't think so," She giggled.

"Hi Sarah. Nice to see you again," Maya smiled at the two teenagers.

"Hi Maya. Do you need any help at all?" Sarah asked.

"No, we're good, most of it has all been set up but thank you for the offer," Maya told the brunette teenager.

"This is my house," Sarah said as Maya pulled up on the sidewalk of a house after they finished at the protest that they had been there since 10 am this morning and it was 3 pm now.

Maya pulled up on the sidewalk of the house. "Okay girls. Have a good time tonight and don't get up to anything I wouldn't do," she joked.

"Seriously mom?" Maddie groaned. "Anyways, thanks for the ride over here," She said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"What? Embarrassed of your mom now kiddo," Maya chuckled at her daughter.

Maddie climbed out of the car and slung her backpack over her shoulder. "When am I not?" She said cheekily.

Maya faked her annoyance, "Alright kiddo, I'll come pick you up around lunchtime tomorrow before we go grocery shopping."

"Okay," Maddie agreed. "Bye Mom!"

"Thanks for the lift, Maya. See you later," Sarah said as she climbed out of the car.

"No problem," Maya said as she acknowledged the teenager. "Bye girls." She waved to her daughter through the window as they headed over to Sarah's front door.

"You ready?" Sarah questioned.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Maddie said nervously.

Sarah smiled and took hold of her hand. "Relax, you'll totally be fine." She reassured her girlfriend.

"Easy enough for you to say," Maddie said.

Sarah giggled and opened the front door for them to both step inside, "Mom! We're back!" she shouted out.

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