Chapter 8: Birthdays!

Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you! It's my birthday in a week, hope to see you at the party princesa!" I shouted while starting to run ahead. I knew how she'd react and I was correct when she started running after me. "Why didn't you tell me earlier!" she yelled, people in the streets glancing at us. Not surprised as two teenagers chasing each other and shouting isn't a very common sight.

*:..(Y/N's pov)..:*

That idiot! This literally gives me no time to buy him a good gift! An idea popped into my head, I'll get Mirabel to help me. I quickly sent her a text and she agreed, this makes my life so much easier. Okay so the plan is for me to finish my homework, study for a bit, eat and go to sleep. Great. Best way to spend my evening. Summer break better make up for all this.

When I woke up, I checked my phone and I had about an hour to get ready. That's plenty. I met up with Mirabel and we walked around town, searching for the perfect present. But to no avail, nothing was deemed perfect. We decided to take a break and get something to eat, this is where I began teasing her about Carlos. "You do realise he's like madly in love with you, right?" I said, making her choke on her food. "(Y/N) are you trying to kill me! Besides, we're only friends. Nothing more." She said, she's a poor liar. I told her about what Dolores had told me she heard them two doing last night in the library. "Bae, I'm not just saying this, but the guy almost kissed you. And you're just friends?" Mirabel was going to overheat if this carried on. Dios mio, she's so oblivious.

We went all day without finding anything, and taking the time into consideration she had to go back home. Saying our goodbyes, we both went our own directions. But, I remembered a certain shop, I beg it's not closed yet!

I made it to the shop and thankfully it wasn't closed yet. Seeing the familiar collectables and trinkets, made me remember our eventful day out. We already had our bracelets so what could I get him.. I've got it! I can't guarantee he'll like it, but it's the thought that counts right?

Feeling successful with my present, I went on my way home.

The week went on like it usually would, a lot of teasing between me and Camilo, studying for finals and the sort. The day of Camilo's birthday finally arrived. I decided to go early to greet birthday boy, to be honest he probably hasn't even woken up yet. Which makes my plan even better. Isabela let me in and I sneaked into said birthday boys room. Just as I had expected, he was still asleep. I placed the present on his bedside table and took a seat next to his bed. Pulling my phone out, I took a picture of both of us and sent it to him. His phone buzzed due to the notification and he slowly tried to find it with his hand. He still hasn't noticed me next to him, so when he saw the picture the look on his face was amazing! "Surprise! Happy birthday cariño!" I smiled giving him my gift. It was a bit cheesy but hopefully he still likes it.

"Princesa you really didn't have to get me a gift," He said looking at the box. "No don't give me all that, I know you wanted one so shut up." I responded, shaking my head. Sighing, he finally began to pull the ribbon off the box. Lifting the top and peeking inside. He pulled out a bear with fluffy brown fur. "I know it's kinda cheesy but it reminded me of your hair so-" I didn't even get to finish as I got pulled in for a hug. I'm assuming he likes it? "Thank you (Y/N), I love it." He said, breaking the hug. The way he smiled just then, was really pretty..

As the day went on more and more people flooded into Casita. Which meant birthday boy had to greet everyone and thank them for coming. I stood next to Mirabel and Carlos while looking at Camilo greet some girl our age. He should be over here talking to us. "Jealous much?" Carlos chuckled, me, jealous? How funny. "Very funny Carlos." I said enthusiastically.

I must say the party is pretty good. Camilo came over to us with a 'help me' expression on his face, we were confused until Adria appeared behind him. Of course she'd be here to give us a hard time. "(Y/N), guys! Do you want to the refreshments?" Camilo said, trying to think of any excuse to get away from her. We all agreed and it seemed to be working until.. "Camiloo why don't we go somewhere together.. alone," she whined. This bitch- "Actually Adria, Camilo told us he wants us three to accompany him. So if you wouldn't mind going back to your friends that'd be great! We don't have a problem here do we?" I gave her my best fake smile.

"It's always you! Why does everything just come your way! Camilo is mine so back off!" She screamed. Dios mio, she's causing a scene. "Last time I checked I was most definitely not yours, and I will never be. Please leave Adria and don't speak to me ever again." Camilo calmly said, he handled this situation way better than I would have. "But Camilo-" She whined. "He said leave." I firmly said, thankfully she left with seeing how many people were watching her. She always has to ruin nice things.

Mirabel and Carlos went somewhere together, which left me with Camilo. "Hey, princesa. You want to get out of here?" He whispered taking my hand. "Of course I do, cariño." And with that we slipped out Casita and ran to our place. The bridge. When we got there, the sun was setting. Just like it was the first time we came here. Beautiful shades of pink and orange were painted across the sky. We sat down, our feet dangling off the edge, our hands still together. Come to think of it, I think I can see why people at school think we're a couple. We're always together doing something and no matter what it is, we're always laughing.

I don't know how I didn't notice the way his eyes shine whenever he looks at the sunset. I don't know how I didn't notice earlier. The way his hair bounced, the way he was always so kind to me. I didn't know why I loved it when he calls princesa, I didn't know why I loved it when he does stupid things to make me laugh. I didn't know why I loved it when I found out the school thinks we're together. I didn't know why I loved it when he teased me. I don't know why I keep denying these feelings.

Glancing over at the boy next to me, he was smiling at the view in front of us. His smile is so pretty. "Hey, cariño.." I muttered, stepping back onto the main bridge. He turned his head to face me, "Happy birthday," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. And with that, I turned to leave. I can now confirm these feelings,

I love Camilo Madrigal.


We finally have the crushes confirmed! ALSO I'M SO SHOCKED, LAST CHAPTER I HAD JUST OVER 130 READS, NOW I HAVE OVER 160! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I CAN'T EXPRESS HOW HAPPY I AM! I hope you enjoyed chapter 8 of Mi princesa! Have a wonderful day/night <3

Word count: 2041 

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