"What are you saying OM, are you mad? After all she did to our family, you think I will ever forgive her? After what she did to you? How can you even talk to her? She called you illegitimate you don't remember?".

"Let bygones be bygones Shivaay, I am not holding anything against Bhaabi, cause I know, that she did what she have to, and I am sure she had a reason for doing all that!".

"What reason OM? What is this reason that everyone else in this fucking house seems to know and I don't know? You guys keep telling me she did this for the greater good but why would Annika leave? Why did she behave like a shameless gold digger that day?"

" Look Shivaay, has she ever behaved like before that? Do you remember how she threw your own money at your wedding when you were trying to prove that you can buy anything and anyone in this world?" Om asked him placing a hand on his shoulder.

" She did that recently too, She sent me a cheque paying back every cent she says that I gave her, she sent me a cheque for 80 lakhs and she also returned the only gift I ever gave her. Arrogant stubborn girl!" Shivaay sighed. " Arrogant or self respect?" Om questioned.

" Well this you have to decide Shivaay, all I can remind you is that a person doesn't change overnight. There has to be a reason. Think about it will you? But before it's too late, I think Daadi is hell bent on getting those two hitched". 

Om left Shivaay wondering... from the way she was reacting whenever they were close,  it was clear that she has not moved on, and she loved him. She herself said the day she came back home, that she loved him enough to let him go. OmRu was hell bent on proving that Annika is innocent, and  his mother was clearly threatening Annika to leave while back. He tried to fathom his thoughts around the reason for her to leave. "What could have been the reason for her to leave me?"

Meanwhile in the living room, Daadi was playing matchmaker. " So putter tell me about you? Who else is in your family?". Neil answered each and every question respectfully, and Annika admired his patience. She mouthed a thank you to him, to which he nodded. Gauri noticed this, "Ahhhh already talking in signs ah?". Annika gave her a stern look and she settled. " So putter I'll get to the topic straight away, I am concerned about our Annika, living in Delhi all alone, and with what she went through, I can't imagine her living alone!" Daadi sobbed a little, and Annika moved close to her to pacify the little old lady. " Daadi, I am perfectly fine! And Neil is kind of on call if I need him, isn't that right Neil?" She turned back at him, and saw a hurt Billu instead, staring at her with his blue eyes, almost innocent, and lost. "Err I meant, he's around if I need any help!" Annika said in an attempt to reduce the damage. " I know putter, but I want to see you happy. You are no less from my own grandchildren, and I want to see you happy, married, have children, so what if I couldn't see you and Billu together doing all that. I still want you to have everything you deserve!" Daadi wiped a tear from her eyes and focused on Neil now. "Neil, putter, I know you like Annika, and you consider her to be just a friend, but trust me friendship is the root of love. I can see that you care for her a lot, don't you want to make an old lady happy, and make my wish come true? I want to see Annika as a bride, and send her off with love and blessings!". Shivaay was stunned, he felt like the floor beneath him was crumbling. What was Daadi blabbering, how can she even suggest Annika to marry Neil? She was his. His Annika.

Neil thought hard for a moment, "Daadi, will you give me and Annika some time to talk? If you don't mind?". Neil escorted Annika towards the pool side. "Annika what do you think? To be honest I never thought about it, or thought about you that way. But I do value our friendship, and I don't want to do or say anything that will damage that. Also Daadi and whatever happened with Raj made me realise, life is too short, to be hanging on to the past. And I am not against what Daadi is suggesting, if you are feeling the same." Annika took a deep breath. She felt like she was suffocating for a moment. She was staring at the pool and the memories came back rushing to her how, Shivaay and her entwined in each other moments ago. But she also remembered Pinky's threats. All what she did would be in vain, if Pinky flips, and finally decides to blurt out the truth. Shivaay would be devastated. She hated him for being that egoistic, annoyingly smug, thadibass, but that is what made him who he was, and she knew if the truth ever comes out he will be shattered. She loved him enough to let him go, the love that turned into hate for her own survival and now it was time to close the chapter for good and move on with her life, after all how long can one live in hatred. A tear rolled down her cheeks. Neil was a good man, he was kind, smart, funny, and most of all he trusted her. He has never judged her for her middle class orphan self, he was down to earth a normal man, who respected her, he was all in all a better choice for a life partner for her than Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi. "Shivaay.." She let out a sigh.

Everyone was waiting impatiently for the couple to return. Shivaay was fidgeting around, and walking in paces. "Bhaiya chill, you would have reached 10,000 steps already" Rudy teased him. "Shut up Rudy!" Om shushed his brother. Annika and Neil came back to living room and Daadi beamed "So tell me what did the two of you decide? Neil? Annika?". "It's a yes from me Daadi!" Said Neil, making Shivaay nervous. "And Bhaabi you?" Gauri asked hugging Annika squealing in happiness. "Errrm...errm....yes" She almost whispered. "WHAT?" Shivaay exclaimed out loud making everyone's heads turn to him. "I mean...what did you say?" He stared at Annika demanding an answer a positive one on his favour. " I said Yes. I will marry Neil!" Annika said looking him straight in the eyes. "YAAAAAY!" everyone screamed in unison, hugging Annika, and welcoming Neil in to the family. Daadi was in tears. " Hey where is Bhaiya?" Gauri asked. Shivaay had left.

Shivaay couldn't feel his feet. Next thing he knew he was on his bike, riding at a speed over 200. He kept increasing the speed, and as the speedometer kept scrolling higher and higher, he saw a vehicle coming his way. He just had the urge to drive through it, he felt invisible for a moment, and the loud horn from the truck brought him back to his senses, and he swerved, avoiding a collision. The tires screeched, as he applied the brakes, and he got off the bike panting holding his chest. "Get a hold of yourself Shivaay!" He kept telling himself. He felt this way the day she threw her out of the house. He felt as if a part of his body was cut off. His heart was pounding so loud. Why the fuck is she effecting him this much. He hated her more at that moment. He hated this excruciating pain she caused his heart to stop. He hated that she is the most beautiful woman in this planet. He hated that she kissed him, made him confused, toyed with his emotions after a one fucking whole year. Flashbacks of their moments together , transitioned in front of his eyes. How could she say yes to Neil. How could she forget him and move on. If this was her game plan, he was not going to back out. I'll show you Annika, I'll make you say it, I know you still love me, and I know there is a reason for you to be like this, trying to push me away. You challenged Shivaay Singh Oberoi... Game on!

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