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Ghostbur POV-
..."Hello?" Those were the very first words I heard after dying/waking up for me. "uh...Hi I'm Ghostbur!" Is what I said after processing what I heard from that strangely familiar voice. "Wilbur?" The other person responded with if they even are a person with a... very saddening yet very confused tone? "um... I'm not Wilbur, I'm Ghostbur." "But Will's dead!" "Why do you think I am Wilbur? And who is he?" "Well he is my brother." (sbi family dynamic woo) Oh that makes my brain remember that loud British voice, it's Tommy! "Wait...Umm Tommy are you ok?"
"No not really because I am literally talking to my dead brother's ghost and also where is Will."
"Like I said I have no idea, I'm sorry Tommy."
"Well...I guess I should ask you questions so start asking them. What is the last thing you remember sense you don't remember you being alive or at least I don't think."
"I do remember happy memories but the last thing I remember is dying I guess."
"So you are Will's ghost?"
"Well maybe I guess, I mean I thought it was a bit obvious since my name is Ghostbur after all."

...No I can't remember that right now and if I do I will start crying again which hurts. I have got to stay calm even though I miss everyone... and I couldn't even get to say goodbye to them- AGH stop thinking of that! Though my last words to Tommy were pretty sad I'm pretty sure especially for Tommy...
*"TOMMY! YOU SAID THAT I WOULD BE OK!" "IT'S OK GHOSTBUR YOUR NOT GOING TO DIE!" After he said that he started to think up something pretty fast then he started to talk again "GHOSTBUR COUNT TO TEN WITH ME OK JUST COUNT TO TEN!"
" (T) one...(G) one ...(T) two... (G) two... (T) three..(G) three... (T) four (G) four... (T&G) five...(T&G) six... (T&G) seven... (T&G) eight... (T&G) nine... (T&G) ten..."
"Stop counting!" Sam yelled after we finished counting, which kind of helped me calm down, but I got scared afterward from Sam making me remember the situation I was in "TOMMY PLEASE I DONT WANT TO DIE!"
"GHOSTBUR YOUR NOT GOING TO DIE OKAY!" "TOMMY PLEASE-" Then that was it. That was when I died again, well I didnt really die because Wilbur was revived. Then I woke up in a train and I think Dream was the conductor of it though I wasn't paying attention to that because I saw him. Wilbur Soot, the person everyone hated or at least didn't like from history I mean that is what it always says in the history books I always read about L'manburg and it's history-

WHOOSH! The noise that brought me out of my thoughts was as loud as a train...

"...what? What's that?" Is that a ... A TRAIN?! Wait someone is getting off but who is that and why is it so dusty from the train? "Hello?" My voice echoed from the train stations normal vacancy of people.
"Hi- wait Ghostbur?"
"Yes that is me, how do you know that? Do you need some blue?"
"Don't you remember me?"
"No I do not, am I supposed to know you?"
"It's me Ranboo don't you remember?"
"... RANBOO?!"
"Umm...I just died you know?" Wait wouldn't they have two more lives or something?
"But aren't you supposed to have at least two more lives?!"
" I think so but I don't know why I am here- well I do though I don't know why I am here because I don't think I have died two times before."
" Well ok but um how did you die?"
"oh! Sam stabbed me in the chest."
"Wait which one Samnook or prison Sam, or well I think he is called Warden Sam?"
"It was Sam the warden but the only reason I died, or well wasnt able to protect myself from his attack, was because he showed me a picture of my son that made me realize that he kidnapped Micheal!"
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that."
"Yeah and I am still mad about that but I am pretty sure that maybe my ghost will tell Techno about it when I am able to do it..."
"So was everyone doing okay after I died, like Tommy?"
"Umm...Tommy? Well he wasn't really that bad, but he wasn't taking your 'death' well especially when Wilbur came back."
"Was Tubbo okay or at least fine?"
" I think so he wasn't really happy when you left though but he wasn't as sad as Tommy was about it." "Okay that does make sense though was everyone upset that Wilbur was back?"
"I mean yes though he didn't really make that much chaos though he did make a burger van and he made me work for him or at least he recruited me." That was a lot to take in though I did manage to understand it. "Hehe... imagine if another person comes."
" Yeah that would be funny though also will be a little confusing and upsetting ."
" How will it be confusing?"
"I mean mostly everyone on the smp has more than one life except Phil and maybe Tommy and Wilbur." "Yeah ok I guess." After a couple of days with talking to Ranboo and telling the others about him and I kind of knew and expected their reactions. Schlatt was confused about who Ranboo is and same with mexican Dream kinda. And then the small part of Tommy or as what we sometimes like to call him Ghostinnit I don't know what his name is so I just went with Tommy he was surprised and concerned about it. But in the end everyone was able to talk to Ranb-


...another person? I wonder who it could be?

sorry if its bad again also I have a head cannon that a little bit of Tommy is still in limbo cause like ghostbur is Wilbur's ghost and stuff like that idk anyway I hope you liked this chapter and wow I am impressed with myself 1058 words nice! yeah I hope this is going to be good and sorry if this is a little corny and I hope you will like the rest of this fanfic :D

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