The horses are still at the neighbors house while the new barn is still being built. I guess the damage was to bad to save It so we tore It down so they could build a new one.

We both get out and I help her let the horses out so they could get some feee time. The neighbor has really tall fences so no coyotes or bobcats should get in. I think Hayley's parents are planning on doing the same.

Once all the horses are out in the pasture we head back to the truck and begin the drive to the airport. Hayley had one hand on the steering wheel and she was holding my hand with her other hand.

She pulls into the parking lot and we both get out. She pulls me into a hug and we stay like that for a few minutes.

"Man this is getting harder and harder." She says

"I know, I hate It." I say mumbling

"I'm gonna try and make your last two games." She says

"Really?" I ask

"Of course" she says

"You're the best." I say

"Nah you're the best babe." She says leaning up and kissing me. I kiss her back before pulling away after a few seconds.

"We should probably go get you checked in." She says

"Yeah you're probably right." I say

I grab my bag and she grabs my hand and we head towards the airport entrance. I walk with her as far as I can. She turns around letting go of my hand and pulls me into a long hug. We stay like that for a few minutes.

Hayley's pov

"It's only a couple weeks." I mumble in a sad tone.

"I know but leaving you is getting harder and harder. Plus we can't be like we are at camp." She says

We both didn't care about the fans knowing if we were dating. I'm sure it's as obvious as Ash and Ali. If they don't already know when they are oblivious.

"Leaving is hard for me too but we'll work through It." I say

"You're right, we definitely will." She says

"Call or text me when your home?" I ask

"Of course, I'll probably call you once I get through security and wait for my flight to board." She says

"Sounds good." I say smiling

"Drive safe please." She says

"Always am." I say

"I better get going." She says

"Yeah you don't want to miss your flight." I say

"I love you." She says

"I love you too." I say

She leans down a bit and kisses me. I kiss her back and we hug one last time before she picks up her bag and continues her way through security. I wait until she's out of sight before I turn around and make my way out of the airport and back to my truck. I get in and start heading home. As soon as i got back in town, I decided to head to a local diner.

I got some eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns and It also came with two eggs. I ate what I could and took the rest of It home for breakfast.

I head back to my truck and begin the drive back to the ranch. Maps said It was about a 20 minute drive home. I went through a back road since It said It will be faster to get home.

I heard my phone ding and I look over slightly to see who It was. It was Hope saying that she was boarding. I voice texted saying be safe and to text or call me when she got home and that I loved her. I made sure the text was correct before sending it because sometimes Siri is stupid.

Next thing I know there are bright headlights coming from my right and before I could react they slam into me and hit my head hard on something and I can feel my truck rolling multiple times going off the road into a ditch and I black out.

(Not that deep/long of a ditch but this was the best one I could find)

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(Not that deep/long of a ditch but this was the best one I could find)


So sorry for the lack of updates! I've been kinda burnt out so writing stories have been kinda slow. I also apologize for the cliff hanger. Hoping to update tomorrow after work but if not I'll write It on Thursday and make sure it's out! Thanks for all the support!

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