
Start from the beginning

"X come on nigga get yo loud ass out" Kaz said while I stared at him he's so fine even in that bunny outfit

             "Bye beautiful here go my number hit me up" he said but Kam took it and threw it

"Don't talk to my mommy I'll beatchu up" Kam said making the men in the shop laugh

          "Right fuck he thinking twin" Pootie said coming from the back with some food

"Dad mommy here see" Kam said while rubbing my head

         "Wassup" Kaz spoke before going back in his tattoo area

"Him still mad I think you have to hug him" Kam said while I took pictures of him talking

"Why him mad at you mommy?" He asked while laying his head on my shoulder

"I said something that I thought was true but it turn out it's not" I said while rubbing his back

While Kam slept I went to the apple store app on my phone and started looking for him a new iPad, maybe I should get him the mini

"You're next?" A guy asked without looking up I answered then he started laughing so I looked up

"What's funny?" I asked titling my head to the side

"He ya son?" He asked sitting in the empty spot next to me

"Yea do you have kids?" I asked while locking my phone

"Yea a lil girl, I'm Chris by the way" he said holding his hand out for me to shake

"I'm Heaven" I said while shaking his hand

"So you not next you just like sitting in here?" He asked

"Umm my brother is actually getting a tattoo" I said watch Merion take pictures of us he's so messy

"That's what's up bug aye not gone lie you pretty as hell. may I have have your number?" He asked making Merion laugh loudly

"No fuck nigga you can't" Kaz said from his studio

"Imma see you later then" he said leaving

"Why you and Kaz ain't all on each other?" Merion asked

"Iono maybe he's reached his limit" I said while looking at Destiny all in Kaz comments on instagram

"Throat goat said where's your girlfriend" Merion said reading the comment laughing

"She's so weird I'll never do some shit like this" I said locking my phone

"Because you got morals duh" he said while Kaz and Pootie came from the back

"My leg sleeve almost done fuck niggaaa" Pootie said while I looked at his leg

"You like it?" He asked

"Yeah I wanna get one on my hand I seen this cute matching tattoo we can get" I said standing up with Kam

"Hand him here stink" Kaz said with his arms out

"See you later stink.. I love you sooooo much" I whispered in Kam's ear before kissing his forehead

"You can come get him tomorrow" Kaz said before walked to his office

"Let's go twin... where you wanna eat at?" Never asked once we got to his car

"Umm Logan's" I said happily the shrimp and salmon so fucking good

"Damn lemme see how much money I got fat ass" he said checking his account

"You like McDonald's?" He asked trynna be funny

"No I'll just ask my daddy to take me" I said while calling my dad

"Hey princess what's wrong?" He asked

"Nothing I wanna got to Logan's but Pootie is broke and im sure they don't take Apple Pay so can you meet us there and eat with us?" I asked

"Im on the way y'all be careful I love y'all" he said before hanging up

"What we doing tomorrow?" Pootie asked

"I'm going to get Kam and I'm gonna get him some fireworks and hopefully dad barbecues" I said while calling Kim

"Hey pretty" she said making me smile

"Hey Kim can you squeeze me in for later tonight?" I asked

"Yeah I'll come to you... you with my big head brother?" She asked

"No I'm with my daddy I'll send you the address it's not far from Kaz house" I said before she started talking about BB bad ass

"Well alright sis I haven't heard from you in a few days so I had to tell you about you bad ass nephew" he she before we said out goodbyes and hung up

"Lauren we not fucking want me to buy you a dildo shaped exactly like my dick?" Pootie asked Lo over the phone

"Nobody wants to hear that you are nasty" I said making Lo laugh

"Tell my pretty baby I said hey and I miss her and I'm coming over tomorrow" Lauren said

"She can hear you freak" Pootie said while leaving Kaz shop


Shit really might be over...

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