2. The Shoto Todoroki

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You couldn't control your feelings as you saw the match on your phone. It had felt almost as if you had won the lottery.

Being a sidekick and all, you never really got to hang out with a bunch of pros, besides the one you were under. In the back of your mind, you wondered to yourself what made him decide to pick you as the special contestant.

"I think I'm going to shit myself—" you looked over at Mina as your voice spoke quickly, only for another squeal to let out when you saw he had messaged you first.

'Hey I'm not good at pick up lines so I'll get to the point. Would you like to be my date for my high school reunion reservation?'

Just like that Mina was squealing with you, her eyes were so wide with excitement that it looked almost as if she had a real set of irises.

"(F/n)! Say yes! Say yes! You have to, this isn't any normal kind of high school reunion. I have planned it all, and it's going to be a big party with all of my old class! There's going to be alcohol and music like one of the biggest hero bangers of all time—"

"Okay I'm down," You interrupt her as soon as you hear about the party 'goodies', quickly typing your response on the Tinder message board.

'Consider me in;)'

'I'll pick you up tomorrow?'

'Perfect add my snap!'

You wanted to be an official pro one day, so it wasn't usual for you to spend your days off like the way you would be the following evening. You were thankful for the invite on both of their ends.

Just like that, a date had been planned between you and the number 3 hero. You were still in shock yourself, unable to process truly what was happening just now. You sat at your desk, daydreaming about what the next day would have in store for you and your new date.

Before you knew it, it was already 8 pm, your excitement must have gotten the best of you, and your mind couldn't focus on anything else. You felt Mina tightly squeeze your shoulder breaking you out of your trance.

"It's time to go home (f/n)! Tomorrow's our day off so we may as well rest up before we break our backs tomorrow!" She stuck her tongue out teasingly as you got up out of the chair, grabbing your keys and other belongings in preparation to leave the office.


You starred at yourself in the mirror as you adjusted the necklace to sit even with your collarbones, letting out an anxious sigh as you gazed at yourself, nervous of how your appearance looked.

'Is this too... fancy? Of course not! I have to look amazing for Shoto, and all of his old classmates.' You thought to yourself, puckering your lips as you layered a final touch of lipgloss before flattening out your skin tight dress that met halfway down your thighs.

You weren't sure what color dress to choose at first, and even though it sounded cliche, you decided on red because it reminded you of Shoto's fireside.

You had minuscule time left to compose yourself before you heard a firm knock against the door to your apartment. You shot up quickly, snapping yourself into reality.

'Alright, here we go.' You thought to yourself, slowly and reluctantly making your way to the door.

"Hey! It's so nice to finally meet you," You smile as you open the door.

It was actually him, no catfish here. His mismatched eyes glistened as a faint smile crossed his lips. This man was utterly perfect, from his white blazer, to the way he slicked back his hair for this occasion, you couldn't find a single flaw in this man.

"You look great," Shoto complimented as you stepped to the side of the door, inviting him into your apartment for a short moment so you could grab all of your things before the two of you left for the huge event.

You felt heat draw to your face. How could this man saying hardly anything at all fluster you so much?

"You take my breath away," you blurted out. Your mind was thinking faster than your mouth, you started moving around nervously as you thought that was probably too soon to say to the stranger.

"Um I'm sorry, do you have asthma?" Instead of being uncomfortable, Shoto just gave you a concerned look as he examined your expressions.

'Jesus Christ.' You thought to yourself, 'This guy is really dense.'

"No, that's not what I meant," You assured him with an awkward smile. "How about... How about we get going now?" You rush to grab your keys and wallet as you were ready to leave this painful conversation aside, and attend the event.

Maybe, just maybe then this man would be a little less dense around his old friends.

'Fine, I'll let him redeem himself.' You pondered in a short silence as the two of you made it out to the vehicle and he started off towards the venue.

Little did you know the night would in fact be a redemption for him.

Life's a Mess (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now