Dream sighed and walked down the hallway into a side room. He quickly came back with a needle in hand. "Give me your arm, and hold still for a few seconds."

Skeptically, George gave Dream hold of his arm. He bite his lip and looked away. "Alright, three, two, one."

George felt a small pinch and a weird feeling fell across his body. "Good boy, now hold on to me. You'll be dizzy for a minute or two."

"What was that?" George asked, holding onto Dream's arm as he was told. Feeling dizzy and weird, almost like he was high.

"A pain reliever, I think you've had enough, and I'm sure you have learned better. Am I correct." Dream grabbed George by the chin and tilted his head up.

George nodded, he started to feel the dizziness go away and suddenly the pain felt much better.

Dream POV:

I really wanted to baby him. I don't know why. I've kidnapped multiple boys younger and older than him before, maybe about five of them so not that many. Non of them have ever been treated like I have treated George.

They all end up dead in no more than a week. None of them get to eat upstairs, most of them had barely gotten food from me. None of them have ever been on the main floor, none of them have been up sleeping in my bed if they tell me they feel sick.

Only one of them besides George had ever gotten a chance to attempt an escape. And as soon as I got my hand ls on them they were shot dead.

But there has been something about George since the first night I saw him. Usually when I see guys at the club or a bar my first thought is to torture and kill them. My first thought about George was how cute he looks, and what a nice person he looked like.

I could've just talked to him and get his number. But after about a year of kidnapping and killing people I didn't know better then to drug him and lure him out back to my car.

It would've been easier to get him to feel the way I feel about him if I did that. I do care about him. But I still need that sweet pleasure of other peoples pain from him, so I needed to cut him. It might seem awful, but on other people I left cuts on their entire body's. I just did a little test on George to see how much I enjoyed it. It was fine I guess, but I realized it wasn't what I really wanted from him.

I figured out that what I really wanted was for him to be mine. I want him to know he's mine. I want to be able to feel like he's mine. I want him to be comfortable knowing that he is mine. And I want him to love the fact that he is mine. That is what I want from him. I want him to be happy, and I want to be happy with him.

But of course you're gonna be like: "tHeN wHy DiD yOu JuSt BeAt hIm uP?" Because he needs to know who's in control. After all I kidnapped him. I can't let him think he is able to do whatever he wants because that gets out of hand and then I'll end up in prison.

What he did angered me, and even if I have a soft spot for him, he needed to be punished and I needed to let my anger out. And I still have a lot of anger left, but he needs me. ...Well not necessarily me, but he needs someone to comfort him, and I'm the only one around. So I need to help him.

"George, lets just chill for a little bit. You're gonna need to take it easy for a little bit." I picked him back up, and ignored the fact that he flinched, and carried him to the couch. I laid him down and put his head on my lap. "Just try to relax, okay."

George POV:

I tried to relax. But it was difficult. I swear this man is bipolar, like people joke about it all the time but this guy actually switches up on me too often.

The man who just asked me to relax and his now brushing his fingers through my hair is the same guy who was literally beating me twenty minutes earlier.

I was expecting a lot more from him, but something just happened to him all the sudden and now he wants to comfort me.

I was close to falling asleep when Sapnap came into the house and sat down on the other couch like it was normal. Which it probably was.

He did give me a concerning look a few times. I probably didn't look good, half asleep, beaten, probably a bruise on my face from hitting the wall.

I started to ignore it and listened to the voiced from the tv to help me fall asleep.

Third person POV:

"So you really do like him huh?" Sapnap asked after knowing George has been asleep for the last ten minutes. "Given that he's not dead, and not hurt half as bad as I thought he would be."

"He has my soft spot." Dream replied continuing to play with George's hair.

"....Do you think you guys are ready? So that I can go through with my plan?"

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1669

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