Start from the beginning

Aunt May: "Okay, Peter. Dinner is ready whenever you want. It's here."

Peter: "Alright, Aunt May. I'll be right there. Let me change first."

(Time passes) "Alright, I'm done. I'll take off my contact lenses and put on my regular glasses." (He goes downstairs to have dinner with his aunt and uncle)

(One day later) "We are about to go to the laboratory. I'm so excited! I brought my camera, notebooks for taking notes, and my regular glasses just in case. I always like to be prepared. I'll also bring my laptop, just in case. I don't know why, but I have a feeling something might happen."

(Time passes) "We're here, and Harry hasn't arrived yet. Maybe he stayed behind or something. I'll wait a little while; the event hasn't started yet."

(A few minutes later) "Hey, Gwen! I see you made it here."

Gwen: "Hey, Peter. Yeah, I'm surprised I arrived before you."

Peter: "Look, there's Harry. Well, I'll check inside."

Gwen: "Okay, see you later, Peter."

Harry: "Hey, Peter, I saw you talking to Gwen. Anyway, let me introduce you to my father. I know you haven't seen him in a while."

Peter: "Hello, Mr. Osborn. Hi, Harry. It's a pleasure to talk to you, Mr. Osborn. I've been following your career even before I met Harry. I think you're doing great things for the world through science, and that's something I admire."

Norman: "Thank you, Peter. It's been a while since I last saw you. Harry told me you've been helping him a lot while I've been away."

Peter: "Yes, Mr. Osborn. That's what friends do - help each other. Plus, I don't want Harry to fall behind."

Norman: "I'm glad my son has a friend like you. I wish I had more like you. By the way, if you want, you can call me Norman."

Peter: "Okay, but I prefer to call you Mr. Osborn out of respect. I was taught to respect my elders at home."

Norman: "That's good to hear, Peter. It's clear that your uncles have raised you well."

Harry: "Alright, enough chitchat. Let's go inside. The event is about to start, and I bet you don't want to miss it."

Peter: "Of course not. I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time, and now it's finally happening."

(They enter the building separately, as Harry leaves Peter to greet his father)

(Time passes) "We finished learning about the modified lizards and their experiments to develop a stable serum for curing diseases and regenerating missing body parts. Now they're explaining about the genetically modified spiders. Some were irradiated, and others were subjected to different treatments. Gwen asked me to take a photo with the spiders, so I grabbed my camera and tossed it to her. I noticed one spider was missing, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought they might have taken it for further experiments. I told Gwen I'd send her the photos later once I digitize them. They continued with the presentation, but I left because I had seen what I wanted to see."

"I went to the restroom to wash my hands, and that's when I saw a spider biting my neck in the mirror. I felt dizzy, and my vision blurred. I ran out, stumbling. Norman called out to me, but I ignored him and rushed back home."

Aunt May: "Peter, why are you home so early? You were supposed to be at the laboratory, weren't you?"

Peter: "Yes, but I don't feel well. I'm going to bed, Aunt May. Goodnight."

(One day later) "It's 5 PM, and I woke up feeling different. I looked in the mirror and noticed changes in my body. It's as if I've been going to the gym, but I've never been to one. When I touched the mirror, my hand stuck to it, but I quickly pulled away, and it stopped. It's so strange. I can see everything clearly without my glasses. Everything is too weird. I'll take a shower to clear my head."

(Time passes) "I laid down on my bed until Aunt May called me to dinner. She prepared a huge meal, and I wondered why. Then I remembered that today is their anniversary. I arrived home earlier than usual because I was going to visit the lab at 10 PM, but I had been invited to dinner with them. I suggested that I leave, so they could have the day to themselves, but they insisted that I stay since there's too much food for them to finish."

Aunt May and Uncle Ben: "Peter, you don't need to blame yourself for anything. You're just a child, and kids often act impulsively. It's normal. And don't worry about dinner; we can't finish all of this anyway."

Peter: "I feel very sorry, Aunt May. My actions led to Uncle Ben's death. I apologize for everything, and I'm sorry."

Aunt May: "Don't blame yourself, Peter. You're just a kid, and it's normal for kids to act on impulse. You didn't mean for anything bad to happen. Let's eat now. You must be hungry after such an exhausting day."

Peter: "Alright, Aunt May. I'll eat now. But later, I'm going to the basement to work on something. Please, don't follow me. I need some privacy."

Aunt May: "Okay, Peter. Take your time. We'll be here if you need anything."

(Peter goes down to the basement and sets up his laboratory)

"Hours passed as I experimented in the basement. I created a web-shooter. It was quite basic, but it did the job. I also worked on improving it and spent even more hours perfecting the design. I used better materials and made it more portable. The costume wasn't anything special, but it served its purpose. I put everything into a backpack and went up to a tall building, where I put on the costume."

"I felt like a soldier, but it was all I had, so I had to make do. I managed to access the police radio frequency and heard about a robbery in progress. I swung into action."

[To be continued...]

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