75. Pathetic little boy

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"So you made up?" Blaise sits besides me in the common room as we dissect my very busy day yesterday.

I shrug "I guess. We said we'd be friends, but then he kinda walked out as if he was angry." I look over to where Malfoy is now sitting with a seventh year Slytherin girl their lips haven't left each other for a very long time. "I spoke to him this morning at breakfast and it was like old times again."

Blaise arches an eyebrow at me but says nothing, his face breaks into a wide smile however when Xavier comes over and sits besides him wrapping his armaround Blaise's shoulders.

They kiss hello slowly their eyes closed in happiness.

I look away awkwardly and drag my eyes across everyone in the common room, I need a distraction. I need someone to spend my time with when Blaise is busy with Xavier, I'm going to be spending the majority of my time revising for O.W.L.S but it wouldn't hurt to have someone to do that with.

Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle make their way over to where we are sitting and all fall into the chairs around me.

Time passes as the three of them discuss homework and Blaise and Xavier kiss and whisper to each other. I slowly look about the common room, why is it that legacy Slytherins all have that same look and style. They're all so poised and sharp featured, their clothes are obviously expensive and their whole demeanour is intimidating.

"What are you thinking about?" Malfoy's voice makes me jump.

"Fuck, how long have you been sat next to me for?" I stare at him confused, how did I not notice him sitting besides me on the sofa?

"Seriously? You said hi to me when I sat down?" Draco's face is slightly concerned as he looks me over "did you hit your head or something?"

Pansy laughs "seriously you were just in your own little world. What were you thinking about?"

I smile at her "actually what I was thinking was rather important." I wait for everyone to look at me before I smile even wider "I was thinking we should have a party tonight. A house party here, a distraction from everything that's going on."

"Will there be food?" Crabbe looks at me expectantly.

"Uh yeah I guess? You and Goyle can go to the kitchen and get stuff can't you?" I think "oh and Blaise you and Xavier can sort drinks right?"

Xavier nods "sure, we don't have time to send off for it but I have a contact in Hogsmeade who will be able to walk it up to us through a secret entrance he always talks about."

I smile happily "amazing! Draco you'll help me invite people right, and Pansy you as well?"

Before they have a chance to answer I sit up straighter "I really think we can pull this off by tonight you know. We just need to all work together and keep it from Snape and Umbridge."

"You want us to plan a party in a couple of hours?" Blaise furrows his eyebrows at me "what will the theme even be? What's the dress code?"

I roll my eyes annoyed "oh come on, we don't need a theme." I take one look at Blaise's disgusted face and backtrack quickly "okay, okay we can have a theme. What about something easy? Something like Slytherin."

"For fuck sake Angelica. Slytherin is not a theme." Blaise glares at me angrily as if I am personally offending him.

"Merlin okay, what about snakes? We like snakes? Snakes are fun!" I throw my hands up in fake enthusiasm.

Blaise stands up annoyed "fine. There is no theme. No theme is better than fucking snakes." He walks away muttering "de serpents? The idiot girl, what a fucking pathetic party. Fucking snakes."

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