- Did you lose your mind? We don't sleep with guests, much less drug addicts!

- What? Why do you say that? - asked Matt

- Didn't he tell you? - Jamie replied with an incredulous smile - That guy was in our room taking heroin, Alex found him half dead!

- What you say is bullshit! He was in abstinence, he injected himself one last time to completely leave it. Matthew you must believe me! He settled in our hotel for that reason, to be away from temptations!

Matt thoughtful and seeming to connect the dots, exclaimed:

- That's why he always drank water ...

- Exactly! - I answered relieved - he is a good man ... and I like him, I know it's strange, I'm very confused but I haven't felt this good for a long time ... I'm not interested in considering my sexual orientation, it's irrelevant, because I feel love for him, and I hope you understand ... in fact ... I invited him to stay at the hotel, he's out of work, and he's a graphic designer, maybe we could make a place for him with Nick

- Great, besides being a drug addict and also lazy!

- Mate, let him finish ... - Matt defended

- You know what, Jamie? You are an idiot, and not at all empathetic. I'll take care of him, don't worry, we'll deduct his stay from my salary, but Miles isn't going to leave. I hope that is clear to you, and let him sleep! - I exclaimed, already exasperated by his attitude.

Every moment I spent with Miles, I felt more absorbed by him, especially now that he and I are... whatever we are. I clearly didn't mean to distance myself from any of my friends, but I will not allow them to be cruel to him. I headed for my room to take a shower and get some work done. I take care of sending Miles a note asking him to find me as soon as he wakes up. Around four in the afternoon, they told me that he was looking for me. We met again in the corridor of the dining room. I invited him to follow me to my own room. Once inside, we kissed and hugged, both panting fiercely against each other's lips. I dragged him onto my bed. We tangled our legs and stared at each other, without saying a word. The pads of his thumbs travelled up the side of my ribs, my hands caressed his back until they rested on his butt. Breathing in the scent of him.

- Did you rest? It seems that you did ... - I ask

- Yes .. after the shag last night I slept like a baby - I blush at the memories - but you should have woken me ... I must go to my apartment to look for some of my belongings

- I know ... you looked so ... calm .. also what is the rush?

- I have to start making money, Alex ... I accept your invitation but give me a discount

- No, Miles, please, I'm inviting you, one hundred percent not half ... and about work, I can talk to one of my friends who runs the hotel website, I could get you a place or maybe he has a contact. Nick will be happy to help you!

- It's too much hospitality ..

- It's the least I can do for my ...

- Your what? - he asked with a subtle smile

- For the person I like ...

We spent a couple of hours indulging in the devotion we felt for each other, until Miles became impatient to get things off of him.

- Alex, let me get up, I should have been gone hours ago....

I made a childish snout that led to him biting his lower lip and kissed me softly.

- When you look at me like that, my darlin' ... - he sighs, holding back whatever it was he wanted to tell me - I'll be back tonight, I promise

He left the bed to start changing, he took my sky blue shirt.

- May l? You can wear mine ...

I nodded and started to change too, dressing in his salmon-colored shirt. When the exchange of clothes was finished, we went down to the reception where Jamie glared at me from him and Joe, the bellhop, was waiting for us with one of Miles's suitcases. Bewildered, I looked at the suitcase.

- Don't worry, I'll be back. It's empty, see, ... I don't have any more suitcases at home, that's why I'm taking one ...

Verifying that there was no weight in it, the hardness in my gaze relaxed.

- Will I wait for you for dinner?

- Hmm, I don't know how long it will take, and I don't want to be in a hurry, so have a quiet dinner, I'll let you know when I'm on my way

- I'll be at the front desk tonight, so I look forward to seeing you walk through the hotel door before midnight, Mr Kane

- Done, Mr Turner

Beside the fountain, our lips exchanged a chaste kiss. Unaware of their imperious destiny.

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