"No he wasn't," she mumbled.

"Yeah, he was. He came in like he was going to Ace the test. He shook everyone's hands and as soon as he got cornered by these four, he folded," Jamie added.

"Dad gave him a bad rap before you guys even met him," Murphy stated.

"Sneaking him in when dad wasn't there wasn't the best first impression," Izzy said.

Yeah, Murphy, no way you could flip this one.

"Back to you, V. Whenever you start dating at 25, we'll make sure your boyfriend gets the VIP treatment," Bash commented.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Rory isn't even 21 and you're dating her. What the hell makes you think I'm waiting until 25?"

"Watch your mouth!" the guys yelled in unison.

They really do the most. I said hell which for me is not even a curse word. Calm your balls, guys.

"Look, you're the baby, you can't date anytime soon," Zachy said.

"I'll be 16 before you know it and that's when mom and dad said I could date. Well, mom said 15. Who's to say I'm not dating already? Mom and dad don't tell you guys everything," I stated.

"Dad!" Zach yelled.

He looked our way before coming over to our table.

"Why the hell are you yelling my name like that?" dad questioned.

"Does V have a boyfriend?"

He looked at Zach like he was crazy before looking over at me. I just smiled and waved. He shook his head.

"That's what you called me over here for?"

"So, does she?"

"No, she doesn't. How old, V?"

"16," I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"16, daddy, but mommy said 15 with supervision."

He rolled his eyes.

"I told you 16, so 16 it is. Zach, don't yell my name like that again. Got me thinking it's a damn emergency and you're asking about your sister's imaginary boyfriend."

He walked off and I started laughing.

"Moral of the story, no one is going out with you without going through us. Just keep that in mind," Zachy said.

"It's bad enough she has to deal with dad and our uncles, now she has a gang of older brothers. Zach was a hand on his own," Izzy commented.

"Bash, you're so lucky you're you or you'd be on the chopping block, too," Jamie added.

He shrugged.

"Vaughn, just keep away from the fuck boys and you'll be good," Rory said.

I nodded.

"You sure did upgrade," I replied.

She silently nodded.

"On come on. You guys are being weird today! Why can't you guys just tell me what's going on? I know what's going on with Murphy."

"What do you mean by that? What's going on with Murphy?" Zach questioned.

Big brother mode activated.

I looked at Murphy apologetically. All the guys turned their attention to her.

"What's going on Murphy?" Izzy asked.

Next Generation (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now