Uh Oh! Someone's Missing!

Start from the beginning

     Toritsuka simply giggled and said, "Well it was the fastest way to wake you up! Besides, this is important and I think you'll want to hear this, Satou."

Toritsuka's face went stern.

"Oh, ok then. What is it?" He waited.


I already know what it is. I read his mind as soon as he barged in. This is kind of bad, we got to hurry and do something. I just wish he would say it already!


...Is missing!"

     Satou froze. He stood completely still. I heard the feeling of panic inside him growing but his thoughts were temporarily scarce from the shock.

H-H-Hii is...Hii is...is...m-m-m-m-m-m-

Missing, yes. This is bad, I don't know where she is, I didn't hear her leaving the hotel, and I would have at least sensed if something bad had happened to her.

And the worst of it all is, I don't hear her thoughts anywhere close by, or anywhere at all. This must mean she's super far away, beyond my 200-meter telepathy radius.

This would appear to be very problematic. Hii could be anywhere by now, and without knowing where she might be, I can't exactly teleport to where she is to find her.

But right now I'm mostly worried about Satou. His mind is running blank but he's beginning to panic every second that goes by. I better get more information about this to see if I can ease him.

"Toritsuka, tell us what happened. How long ago did you notice Hii was missing." I turn to him.

     "Well, I noticed just now, right before I came to your room. When I saw she wasn't in her room I ran over here to see if you could find her Saiki!"

     Hmm, so there's no telling how long she's been gone from her room. She could literally be anywhere...Hmm, this might be more difficult than I thought...

     "Wait a minute! How did you know she was gone! Did you peek inside her room, Toritsuka?" Satou realized the logic behind the situation and shouted at him.

     "A-Ah...Uh...Well, I-Um...Uhh..." Toritsuka stuttered. Stupid medium. He's way too much of a-

     Pervert! That little pervert! Ugh, I'm gonna get him for this. How dare he peek into Hii's room at night like that. I swear I'm gonna...I'm gonna...uh...aH I'll think of it later.

     That was the most violent thought I ever heard from Satou. He's pretty pissed off at that stupid pervert medium who almost killed him on that bridge. I still have to get my revenge on Toritsuka for almost killing Satou...

     And I will...

But for now, I'll let him live as we go and search for Hii. I don't hear her thoughts anywhere close, so she might be far away from here. We better hurry and begin searching.

"Come on guys, let's go find Hii. She shouldn't be too far." I told the two. I'm trying to keep Satou as calm as possible and reassure him that Hii will be found. I don't want him to stress too much about her.

Even though cares so much for her.

Satou and Toritsuka agree and speed walk to the door. They pull it open and run outside, I fallow close behind.

"Where should be start looking first?" Satou asked.

"Well..." Saiki, use clairvoyance to find her!

Toritsuka thought to me. Yeah, I guess that is a good idea. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner.

While running, I cross my eyes and picture Hii in my head, hoping to find her in my range of clairvoyance.

Immediately, I was given the view of a very dark place, so dark I could barely see the tiny figure in the middle. It's completely shadowy and colorless.

I'm assuming it's Hii, I thought of her when using clairvoyance so it is her. But where is she? She seems to be out in the middle of nowhere. I think I see trees surrounding her? Is she in the forest?

     Saiki, did you find her yet? where is she?

  I can't tell. She's in a very dark place, I'm not sure where she is. But it's looking to be a forest. I don't know her exact location though.

     Damnet. What should we do, Saiki! We have to find her! I can't let her die, she's too pretty to die!

Calm down, let's think of something. She's in a forest somewhere so she must still be in this area. She isn't far from us I assure you.

The strangest thing about this is that I don't hear her thoughts. She seems to be very far with that fact, but the forest stretches out less than 250 meters, my radius for telepathy, so she should be outside that radius, but clairvoyance is telling me she's close by.

This doesn't make any sense...

I'm stumped, Toritsuka. I really have no clue where she is. We nee led a solid plan to be able to find her.

Toritsuka seemed to pause and think for a while. I could hear him coming up with plans and trying his best to use his brain for something useful.

Surprisingly though, I think he's got something good.

Toritsuka suddenly stopped running and skidded to a halt. I and Satou stopped as well to wonder why Toritsuka paused so suddenly.

"Hold on guys, I think I have an idea. This will help us find Hii faster than doing it on our own." He said in a serious tone.

"What is it Toritsuka? What's your idea, how do we find Hii?" Satou asked. He was still super worried. I guess I didn't defuse any of his anxiety from earlier.

     "Let's wake the others, if we get them to help search for Hii with us then that will make finding her a lot easier."

     It's actually not a bad idea. That's about the smartest thing he's ever said before. And that's a low bar. It's impressive.

     Satou thought for a moment but quickly agreed once he noticed the benefits of having more people to search with us.

     "Alright, it's a good idea. Let's go wake the others." Satou said before running back in the direction of the rooms.

     We followed. After a minute we made it back and ran to Kaido and Kuboyasu's room first.

     Satou knocked on the door. Very quiet and average. Then stood there and waited patiently.

     Toritsuka gave him a stupid glare and stepped forward. He pushed Satou aside...

     And kicked down the door as hard as he could with a loud bang.

     Toritsuka stomped inside before Satou and me followed. Kaido and Kuboyasu shrieked and they both sat up simultaneously...oh...oh my...

     Toritsuka shouted, "Guys wake up! This is an emergency! Hii has gone mi-Oh...Oh my"

     "Toritsuka, why did you stop explaining! You supposed to tell them-Ah, woah!"

We all froze and stared at the two in their beds...


"W-What are you two doing in the same bed?!" Toritsuka stuttered.

Sure enough, the two boys were sitting up next to each other in the same bed. Very close together. This is...Interesting...

     But what does it mean?

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