"Ah sh*t." He cursed, reflexively covering his head as he toppled to the ground in a heap of blankets. He let out a low grunt as he hit the floor, thankfully it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would. The little Addison groans, pushing the blankets off and untangling himself from them. He groped around for the phone, knowing the receiver had fallen with him. For once, I had the lights turned off to sleep. Not sure why I wanted the broken phone to ring again. Somehow it felt like my muse was on the other end. Staying silent, but nonetheless giving me inspiration. I shouldn't block it out by having the nightlight.

The little Addison found the cord of the phone, carefully following the wire and taking hold of the receiver. He rose to his feet, setting the phone back on the handle as he took a deep breath. The moment he did so, the phone began to ring again. The little Addison jumped back in alarm at first, not expecting it to ring so soon. Nonetheless, he wasn't about to ignore his muse. He picked up the receiver again, pressing it to his ear.

"Hello, Spamton G. Spamton." He greeted, waiting for a response where he knew there would be none. He no longer felt such a prickling sense of dread when picking up these broken calls. The darkness called to me, but it wasn't a bad thing. It was helping me, right? After I took those calls, I got good ideas. Changing my appearance, calling Mike's number... I had to know what else it would help me with.


Spamton walked down one of the various roads he needed to take in order to get to Mike's storefront, though it wasn't with complete confidence. In all honesty, he had zero clue where this place was. It was a far cry from where the Addison's shops were. The further away he got from home, the more uneasy he got. It was pretty easy to get lost here, no matter how well the streets were labeled. The city seemed to grow everyday, with new streets turning up on the edges. Folder2 Street, DefinitelyNotPorn Road, SchoolProject Blvd- the list went on and on.

Even though the little Addison was lost, that didn't mean he was wandering aimlessly. His muse was guiding him, if not in a somewhat jumbled way. It hardly seemed more aware of where he was supposed to be headed. Even so, he was guided in a general direction.

"Man this place is faraway. I'm gonna want a car to get back. Maybe Mike will have one I can borrow..." He thought aloud, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He didn't know how to drive, but that would hardly stop him. He glanced around at the dimly lit streets, trash littered beside curbs and buildings. Even if it wasn't the worst part of town, it was definitely less classy than where Spamton lived.

He glanced up at the crossroads in front of him, waiting for his muse to tell him where to go. He had a feeling he should head left, so, that's where he went. A sinking feeling had settled in his stomach, accompanied by the dimming light. The streetlight flickered above him, making him swallow nervously. This seemed like the right way...

"Hey buddy, where you headed?" A voice he didn't recognize called out behind him. The little Addison quickly whipped around, his eyes wide with surprise. A Virovirokun was steadily approaching him, a sly smile spread across it's face. Spamton didn't like the feeling slithering up his back, making his skin crawl. "You seem a little lost. We don't normally see Addisons out here." They thought aloud. Spamton swallows, keeping his gaze locked with this seemingly hostile being.

"Look I don't want any trouble. I know where I'm heading, so you can leave me be." Spamton insisted, waving his hand dismissively. He hoped that this darkener would leave him alone, but the devious grin widening their lips told him otherwise. The Virovirokun chuckles softly, still approaching him.

"No no, you're not going anywhere little buddy. I still need a little something from ya, down on my luck." The darkener went on, picking up his pace. Spamton huffed, shaking his head as he kept the distance between them, backing up further down the street. There was malice in it's gaze... It wanted money, but I had none to give. Clearly it wasn't going to give up without a fight. B-But I don't know how to do that!

The Rise And Fall Of Spamton G. SpamtonWhere stories live. Discover now