Chapter1: The Heelshires

Start from the beginning

"So, where are you from?" He asked, placing his item in the cupboard above  the sink as I put the carrots In the basket.

"Well I used to live around here when I was little but, I currently live in Haddonfield, Illinois." I answered, returning to the crate and picked up a few stalks of celery.

"Oh, what made you move?" He continued, grabbing cans from the crate.

"My parents got divorced." I answered again, ignoring the faint pain of my heart as I grabbed more from the crate.

"I see sorry about that didn't mean to bring up bad memories." He frowned, setting the empty crate aside. "I know have this." He said, digging into his pocket and handing me a piece of gum.

"Uh, thank you." I smiled, taking the gum as I unwrapped it and chewed feeling my tastebuds envelope themselves in the cool minty flavor. Getting back to the crates of goods, we began working on them finishing the rest in no time flat as Malcolm stacked the crates together then turned to me. "Alright now let me see your gum." He insisted, holding out his hand.

"My gum, why?" I implored, confused why he'd want the saliva coated gum.

"So I can read it to you, you see I got the gift I'm like a fortune teller." He grinned, hand still extended as I continued to look at him confused.
"Come now don't be shy, I am a professional." He pushed flexing his hand.

Giving in to his will, I took the piece of gum from my mouth and set it in his hand as he smiled eagerly and examined the wad.

"Let's see now, your a painter who's come here to be inspired by the English countryside... and get away from the boring streets of America." He interpreted, glancing up to me. 

"Unfortunately no." I said, shaking my head as he sighed deeply than smiled.

"Was I close?" He asked, as I again shook my head with a frown. "Alright one more try, okay?" He inquired, as I let out a sigh and nodded my head.  "Okay, I see where I went wrong now, very much obvious... I see a dark past. A loss that caused much pain and continues to haunt you even now." He finished, looking at me as my eyes drifted down and a frown crossed my face.

"Here, I'll throw it away." I murmured, taking the germ ridden gum as I made my way to the trash can and dumped it.

"I'm afraid that's my interpretation of flirting." He chuckled weakly, wiping his hand against his pant leg.

"It's alright." I smiled, as we stood in awkward silence. "So what's the family like?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"Quite nice and generous. As good a people you'll ever hope to meet." He replied, leaning against the island.

"And what about their son, Brahms?" I implored, fumbling with my sleeves.

"Um... well I'm not quite sure how to explain it." He frowned, as the kitchen door opened and an elderly woman walked in. She wore a pink long sleeve shirt that paired nicely with her plaid skirt and the pearl necklace around her neck brought the outfit together nicely showing of her greyed yet lush short hair.

"Mrs. Heelshire, its lovely to finally make your acquaintance." I smiled, standing up straight as her eyes looked me over meticulously.

"Yes it's nice to meet you miss Cribbs, now come follow me." She ordered exiting the kitchen as I followed close by.

"Brahms is very excited to meet you, Mrs. Cribbs." Mrs. Heelshire spoke, keeping a steady pace as we continued along.

"As am I." I smiled, as we continued down the halls into what looked like the family study where an older man sat crouched next to a chair whispering beneath his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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