043 | Firestorm

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Cisco, Haylee and Joe stood in Barry's lab for the blood sample results, Haylee had been responding to messages from Jesse about Iris' words getting between him and Linda causing Haylee to realise that Iris may have hidden feelings for Jesse. "Yes, yes, yes!" Cisco's cheers caught Haylee's attention, she shoved her phone into her jacket pocket. "See? We got two different blood samples," Cisco told them. "One for each speedster," Joe replied. "That's right. One is A-positive, and the other one's AB-negative... super rare," Cisco explained.

"I'm gonna run them both through the CCPD criminal database to see if I get any matches," Cisco told Joe. "Can you run them against a specific person?" Joe asked Cisco who looked up at him. "Yeah, sure, if we have something to match it to. Who are we looking at?" Cisco asked as he turned to the screen. "Dr Harrison Wells," Joe answered straight away. "I thought we were trying to solve Barry's mom's murder," Cisco said with a confused expression.

"We are," Haylee spoke up with a reassuring smile. "And I'm asking you to keep this between us," Joe added. "You think Dr Wells killed Barry's mom? No way. He didn't even know Barry then. Why would he kill his mom?" Cisco asked with an incredulous look. "I don't know yet. But I do know that Wells keeps secrets. And this may be one of them," Joe explained to the younger man. "Dr Wells is a great man. I was nothing when he gave me a job, a chance to change my life. He has helped so many people. He's not a murderer," Cisco argued.

"Cisco, I'm a cop. I'm good at reading people, so I know I can trust you with my suspicion. When I go talk to the family and friends of a murder suspect, somebody I know is guilty, and I tell them the person they love is a killer, guess what they all say; "That's not the person I know"," Joe explained to Cisco who looked at him with a glint of denial. "I think I'm done being a cop for today," Cisco said before making his way out of the lab. "I'll handle it, Joe," Haylee assured before kissing Joe's cheek and following after Cisco.

Haylee caught Cisco in the elevator, the two of them were silent for a moment. "You think it could've been Dr Wells?" Cisco asked Haylee in a soft voice. "I don't know, Co. My instincts go haywire around him now and I just... Maybe I'm just being paranoid due to my past but something isn't right and I need to find out what," Haylee explained to him with full honesty. "I don't know how to feel about this," Cisco told her without looking at her. "That's okay, Cisco. You take your time, we trust you," Haylee assured.


Cisco didn't say a word to Haylee as he drove them to Star Labs and she stayed quiet to respect his need to process his own thoughts. They made their way into the Cortex where Caitlin, Barry and Dr Wells usually were, but a familiar face caused Haylee and Cisco to look at them with wide eyes. "Ronnie?" Haylee spoke but the Ronnie lookalike shook his head. "Not Ronnie," Cisco then said before looking at Haylee, the two of them were very confused.

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