"Wow," Danny gasped, "It's nice."

Vanessa grinned, "Elijah decorated it. It is inspired by Tuscany or someplace. He's working in his study. Throw your clothes in the hamper, here's a towel. I'll start the water."

Vanessa went to the bathroom and Danna kicked off her sodden undergarments, shirt, and pj pants. She wrapped the thick, tan towel around her and marveled at its softness. Everything was so nice here to touch and look at, it even smelled nice. Like spicy flowers, Danny thought, sniffing the air.

Vanessa saw her sniffing and said, "Sandalwood. I didn't know what it was when I came here either. Nice, huh. Bath time."

"Yeah, everything here is nice," Danny whispered.

Vanessa indicated the running bathtub, but saw Danny's hesitation. "Why don't you call me once you are in the tub and I'll keep you company? If that's okay."

Danny nodded. She closed the door, tried to use the toilet again, and then got into the warm, sudsy water. The tub was like a small pool. There were some toys and all different kinds of sponges, brushes, and loofah sponges.

"I'm in!" Danny called lightly.

Vanessa popped right in and went to sit on the side of the tub.

"So," Vanessa started. "How ya doing? Are the girls being nice to you?"

Danna smiled, "Oh yeah, Liv is really nice. Penny has been good, too. The boys are cool, too. But Liv and Lukas fight as badly as Penny and Finn. Penny is trying to help me. I think she had some trouble yesterday, but she didn't say what."

"Miss Penny did get punished by her dad. But don't worry, honey, no one here will hurt you," Vanessa vowed, seeing the look of apprehension on Danny's face. "Is that what you are worried about? Getting in trouble?" Vanessa leaned over and turned the water off and gave Danny a sponge.

Danny absentmindedly took the sponge and shook her head. "It's Ruth. What if she wants me back?"

Vanessa told a deep breathe and sighed, "Ruth is gone, sweetie. She's um, dead. There was an accident."

Danny began to cry suddenly. Vanessa's face fell, "Oh, I'm sorry, I guess she was your stepmom for all those years. You must have had feelings for her."

Danny stopped, "No, I'm just so happy. I was worried she would find me. She told me that she would never let a 'cash cow' like me go, even if I did kill my father..."

"What?" Vanessa inquired in horror. "A cash what? No, no, never mind. I never want you to think of her again. You are here now with us. Safe."

"Safe," Danny repeated with a small smile. "And she can't get me because she is...dead?"

Vanessa confirmed, "She's dead. Don't say anything as it is not public knowledge. But if you like, Elijah and I would like to adopt you officially. You would be our daughter and we would never mistreat you like Ruth did, ever. Would you like to be a part of this family? Finn and Henrik would love to have a new sister."

Danny grinned, "Yeah, I would. And no Ruth!"

"No Ruth," Vanessa repeated. "Want me to help you wash your hair?"

Danny nodded and Vanessa helped her. She stepped out to let the little girl get out of the tub and dress in privacy. As an only child, Vanessa had been very shy and modest and she wanted Danny to feel comfortable.

Elijah came in from working, "You look like the cat that swallowed the canary!"

"Danny's getting dressed. She took a bath. I told her about Ruth and she cried, out of joy. Elijah, she wants us to adopt her. We're going to have a daughter," Vanessa gushed. Elijah picked up Vanessa and kissed her.

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now