Chapter- 14 A familiar yet strange face

Start from the beginning

after she stabbed its face a for a bit longer the Witch soon died and dropped a Grief Seed but like Normal the Labyrinth began to collapse so I escaped so I could wait for this newbie outside and confront her

while waiting outside in the empty streets the Magical Girl soon jumped out of the Labyrinth just as it fully collapsed and disappeared but when she looked up and saw my face, she was shocked, but this girl did look familiar but where from however I have some things I need to get over with so let's start

Izuku- you know this isn't your Territory, right? plus that fight in there wasn't that good so Newbie did you think this was worth it?

Familiar Magical Girl- excuse me? what do you mean "Territory"

Izuku- damn you really are new to this, ugh well Newbie listen well each Town or City has their own Magical Girl or Girls, and Mustafa has 2 already me and Big-Sis, not me and you so id recommend you leave or if you want to risk it, fight me and take over my position

as much as I regret to be like this, I have to make her aware she is not welcome here as Grief Seeds are sort of Rare here

Familiar Magical Girl- fine you barbaric being I will fight for it

huh so she's willing to fight? well I will beat her up and hope she doesn't come back

making the first move I Summon my Rapier and start my attack but without any time to think she just blocked that attack

she tried to hit me with her Spear but with elegance I either block the attacks or dodge them, so I decide to use some Magic

Gale Blade

a thrust my blade causing wind to shoot out at her sending this girl into the wall before she fell to the ground, but this girl still has a lot of fight in her as she got right back up and charged at me

charging One for All I shoot forward and use a move I don't know but my body does so I'm assuming it's something from Nana and speaking of her where is she?

as I shot past her quickly stab behind me and into her back multiple times plus, I think I impaled her spine a bit so she should be out for a while, maybe a few months

the girl fell to the ground bleeding, so I walk up to her and take the Grief Seed from her as she bled on the ground however before leaving, I spoke to her once more

Izuku- Newbie just go back to where you're from and work there but that injury will keep you out for a few months at least, oh and if you didn't guess I'm taking this Seed, but I will call an ambulance for you

walking away I stick true to my word, so I dialled the emergency services but just as I was about to call them, I heard a noise coming from the girl so I look and see that she was getting back up but who knows how much pain she is in right now

Izuku- you don't know when to give up do you?

Familiar Magical Girl- I-I won't let you take my Grief Seed you evil menace,

sighing I decided to let out one more attack, so I walk up to her but as I reach her, she was barely standing and she used her Spear to hold herself up, that back injury place the pain she is in and she stands, impressive but this is for her own good

quickly I stab her shoulder with my Rapier, but I did it hard enough to the pint that it went right through her, and she fell backwards onto the ground leaving blood all over the ground but suddenly she transformed back, and I saw her face

oh god I messed up

it turns out this Magical Girl was Yaoyorozu from my class in UA and I just beat her half to death, ok not to panic if I knock her out maybe she won't remember that I did this? yeah let's try that and hope it works but I should call an ambulance before she bleeds out

quickly I pick her head up and slam in on the ground knocking her out, but she probably has a concussion or something now not good, but she will get help soon

calling the emergency services, they pick up quickly and I tell them a lie about what happened

Emergency Services- hello what is your emergency

Izuku- hi there's a girl her who is badly hurt and she's bleeding a lot but there's a Villain close to her I-I don't think she will last long before she dies, please hurry

Emergency Services- oh ma'am can you give you exact location so we can send help

I quickly give my location and they tell me a Hero and ambulance will be here shortly so with that I de-summon my Rapier and leave Yaoyorozu while help comes for her so I could go home

once I was home, I changed back into my Pyjamas and cleaned my Soul Gem fully before watching some Magical Girl Anime for fun and inspiration for new attacks

To Be continued-

Soul Gem Corruption-

Izuku- 0%

Rumi- 8%

Yaoyorozu- 13%

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