Michelle:"But I haven't done anything wrong!" -The tigress whimpers out-

Chris:"She assisted me in the release of the slave workers, let her go now" -I inform the two soldiers-

U.F Soldier:"And what authority do you have No-Fur?, shut your mouth and wait for your squad to tug on your leash" -The other Anthro spat with venom squaring his shoulders as of preparing to force me aside-

-Just as I was about to open my mouth and argue both Adder and the Convoy commander march over-

Adder:"I'm sorry what the fuck did I just hear?" -Adder storms over getting between me and the soldier-

Adder:"Say that again!, say it again I fucking dare you!" -Adder gets in the soldiers face until the Convoy commander intervenes-

-The two Anthros and Adder have a staring match before being broken up-

Convoy Commander:"ENOUGH!, what's this all about?!"

Chris:"This F.I.A soldier assisted me in the releasing of the prisoners..." -I calmly say-

Carl:"It's true!, she was the only one to even show a slither of kindness to us!" -Carl shouts still trying to escape the grasp of one of the medics-

-The two look at eachother the pain and stress of being separated plastered on their faces-

Convoy Commander:"Even if this is the case I can't do anything about it.., we have orders" -The convoy commander bluntly says to me-

-He gives the two a nod as they push past us with Michelle-

Carl:"NO!" -Carl manages to break the Anthros grasp sprinting towards Michelle-

-Everyone freezes for a moment as Carl practically launches himself at the Tigress-

-The two U.F soldiers let go slightly surprised allowing Michelle to also break their grasp-

-She crouches down allowing carl  to cling to her, the two embracing each other tightly-

-One of the U.F Soldiers draws his pistol aiming down at her, Carl hides his face in the nook of her neck as she glares right back at the soldier unmoving-

-A moment of silence passed, the look of shock on both Adder and the Convoy Commanders face-

-The sideline was filled with many U.F soldiers and workers alike watching on, many emotions plastered on their faces-

Carl:"I won't let them take you...." -He quietly says making Michelle hold him tighter-

-I could see Adder glancing at me in the corner of my eye as both the humans and Anthros silently watch on in the interspecies Union-

Michelle:"I'll be okay Carl..." -She whispers back to him-

-Many eyes watched on before they break the hug looking at one another, they then suddenly meet lips for a moment-

-It's almost as if a vaccume of space formed around them with deafening silence, a couple of humans and Anthros rubbing their eyes unsure of what they're seeing-

-They break the kiss embracing one another again-

Carl:"I love you...."

Michelle:"I love you a hundred times over...." -The Tigress quickly replied-

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