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"Hello, hello! I am Effie Trinket, as you probably know." The loud and extremely annoying sound of Effie's high pitched voice rang in my eardrums. My younger brother, Alan, clinged to the side of my skirt. It was his first year being reaped, the first year is always the worst. I fully remember the time I first went to the Reaping Ceremony. The Peace Keepers having to evacuate me from under my hiding in our closet at home. I remember them dragging me to the building, my mind telling me I was going to be chosen. I looked down at him and ran my fingers through his black hair. He got his black hair from our mother, who died a few years ago from cancer. His bright blue eyes stared back up at me, sulken from worry and loss of sleep. "It's going to be fine, you won't be picked." I gave my best fake smile, which he believed to be real and smiled softly back at me. He loosed his grip on my dress and averted his attention back to Effie."As usual, ladies first..." Her heels clicked loudly on the porcelain floor as she walked over to the large spherical glass bowl on the right side of the room. She reached in slowly, as if to cause more suspense, and pulled out a small, brown piece of parchment. My heart was beating a million times a minute, having a weird feeling that I would be chosen. I mean why was I worried? I had been reaped before and I haven't been picked yet. Why would I be picked this year? I looked around the crowded building, making eye contact with a boy I've never seen before. He quickly broke the eye contact, shaking his head as he looked back up at Effie, as she cleared her throat walking back up to the microphone. "The female tribute of the 85th is...." Her voice trailed off as she opened the folded parchment, holding it just above the microphone. "Eris Solletè! Come on don't be shy, Eris!" She said cheerfully, almost as if she was excited for the Games. Everyone looked around confused, we didn't have an Eris in our district. "I'm afraid we don't have an Eris in our district." The boy who had made eye contact with me spoke up, causing everyone's attention to be averted to himself. "Oh! Oh! I'm so sorry, I must've said the name wrong." She giggled nervously as a Peace Keeper made his way towards her. He took off his helmet, revealing an older man under the helmet. He peered at the name with weak eyes and whispered the correct pronunciation of the name in her ear. "The correct person I am looking for is Iris Collette. Do we have an Iris Collette?" She said, again oddly cheerfully. I heard a very clear "Oh god, why?" coming from my father across the room. Alan let out a shriek of terror and jumped into my arms, causing the Peace Keepers to charge towards me. They pried Alan off of me, sending him to my father in tears. One grabbed my arm, but I quickly slipped out of his grasp, running up to the stage away from them. They were armed with flamethrower sand I did not want to get involved in that. I stood next to Effie, trying look as brave as possible yet on the inside fear was filling up my entire system.

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