Chapter 30 - The Young Wolf

Start from the beginning

When Scott didn't speak, Stiles spoke for him, "Doesn't that seem a little too convenient? Rival werewolf pack asks for alpha werewolf?"

"He's got a point." Adelina chimed.

"Personally, I don't think the wolf is of any threat. He was such a timid and frightened little thing." Peter stated, a sinister tone underlying his words that caused Adelina to shiver a little. Derek placed a comforting hand on her knee, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Scott spoke up now, a confident edge to his voice, "Take me to him."

"Woah, Scott!" Stiles called as he walked toward Scott and Peter, "You really gonna do this? This could be a trap."

"Or maybe its not. And I'm not going alone." Scott said as he looked over to Derek who nodded and stood up. Stiles sighed, clearly not comfortable with the idea.

"Okay, great. I'll come too." Adelina chirped as she too stood up. Yet as soon as she finished her sentence she was hit with a chorus of "No".

Derek turned to her, a serious expression, "You're not coming. It could be dangerous." She appreciated that they wanted to keep her safe, but she wasn't going to just sit around and do nothing until this was all over.

"And ill be with three werewolves and Stiles. I'll be fine." She spoke confidently trying to convince them.

"No. I'm not putting you in danger." Derek eyed her, his green orbs pleading with her.

"I say let her come." Everyone turned to Peter in surprise. What was with him being nice today? "She's right. Although not so much Stiles but she will be safe with three werewolves."

"Come on man." Stiles groaned.

Adelina looked at Derek expectantly, she really wanted to go with them and he knew that, he just worried for safety. "Please?" She asked with big pleading eyes.

Derek huffed. Damn those beautiful eyes. "Fine. But you stay with me at all times." He negotiated.

"Deal." Adelina beamed happily. When Derek shook his head and walked away, upset that he had given in so easily, Adelinas gaze met Peter's. She mouthed a 'thankyou' at him to which he nodded and sent her a half smile. Then the five of them set off for Beacon Hills Preserve where a werewolf was chained to a tree somewhere.


Getting out of the cars, they all began following Peter as he lead them further into the woods. Adelina did as she promised and stayed right next to Derek for every step. It had been a long time since she took a stroll through the woods or even been near the woods. She loved the  sound of leaves crunching under her feet. The different hues of green, brown and auburn that painted the trees and ground. Trees that rose high into the sky, twisting and turning. Leaves dancing in the cool breeze and the way that some gently glided down to the ground. She took in the evening sun overhead and how it peeked through the thick bush of trees. The sky a beautiful blue with puffs of fluffy white clouds drifting gracefully along. It was picturesque. She made a mental note to draw it when she got back to the loft, it was the perfect scenery.

Being lost in the beauty of the woods, she hadn't noticed the sixth figure chained to a tree until everyone stopped. Peering around Derek, she saw a young boy. He had short, slightly curly brown hair. His eyes were a beautiful icy blue and his skin was smooth and flawless. What stood out the most to her though was the terrified expression that the youthful boy wore. Wrapped around the tree he was leaning on was multiple rows of thick metal chains. They seemed like they were digging into his skin as they held him tightly against the tree.

Was this the werewolf Peter was talking about? But he seemed so young...

A slight pang hit her heart, the boy was young, about 15 and he was absolutely terrified of the five people who stood infront of him.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now