Chapter 1 The Intruder

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It was a cold January night Mrs. Kwan was making her way home after babysitting Joan's children, she was looking forward to babysitting them the next day.

She made her way to the porch and took out her keys and then she heard something...

-[Faint screaming]

She quickly unlocked the front door, ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

-Whos there!? She said in a scared tone.

Suddenly the screaming stopped.

-Is anyone here? she said terrified.

"It came from the basement" she thought to herself.

She carefully made her way towards the basement door, she carefully opened it and slowly made her way down.

-This isn't funny! she exclaimed in a horrified voice.

She heard something moving infront of her.

-AAAHHHHGGGG!! she screamed horrified.

She ran upstairs as fast as she could then she shut the door, locked it and called the cops.

After about ten minutes of silence and fear the cops finaly arrived.

-So where did they go? asked one of the officers.

-Down there in the basement! she responded as calmly as she could.

-Ok we'll take care of it just stay calm, said the officer.

Mrs. Kwan unlocked the basement door for the officers.

They made their way down and had their guns ready but when they looked the intruder was nowhere to be found.

The only thing they had left behind was a crow's feather

-Well this is all we found, the officers said as they showed mrs. Kwan the feather.

-But officers i heard screaming, she said to the officers.

-We'll search the house and let you know if we find anything, they responded.

[Ten minutes later]

-Well did you find anything? mrs. Kwan asked the officers.

-Unfortunatly no, we didn't find anything, they responded.

-Well i have work tommorow and i realy need to get to bed now, she said.

-Thats understandable we wont take up anymore of your time now goodnight, the officers responded.

All the cops had left the house exept for one.

-Aren't you going to leave too? she said to the officer.

-Actualy i want you to feel as safe as possible my name is Derick Sterling but you can call me Derick, said Derick to Mrs. Kwan.

-Oh but what do you mean by that? she asked Derick.

-Here's my number call me if you hear anything i'll be here in a flash, he responded.

-Oh thank you very much, maybe we could go for a cup of tea after im done babysitting tommorow? she asked.

-I'd love that, Derick responded.

-Goodbye then i'll call you if i hear anything, she said.

Derick left and waved goodbye mrs. Kwan did the same.

She went to bed and fell asleep shortly after.

[The next day]

Mrs. Kwan stretched and got out of bed, she went downstairs to get breakfeast.

After eating breakfeast she put on her jacket and went outside, she made her way towards Joan's house to babysit his kids.

She went up to the porch and rang the doorbell.

Mrs. Kwan: The missing childrenWhere stories live. Discover now