"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"There is something about you and I can't figure it out. But somehow, Riley, you make me feel."

"Sam, what do you mean?"

"I have been through so much in my life, Ri. Some of it you somehow know about." He paused. "I've lived through a lot of terrible things. And I just stopped letting myself feel, anything. Then after awhile I guess I just became numb." He shrugged.

"Oh," I replied, looking at the floor.

"But then you came along," he said, moving so he was now facing me. "And somehow, it's like you saved me, you brought me back to life." He brought his hand to my cheek, and then moved my head so he could look in my eyes. Our faces were only a few inches away from each other. "For a while it scared me, it still scares me."

"What scares you?" I whispered, noticing how close we were.

"The way you make me feel. Heck that I feel at all," he replied as he dropped his hand from my face.

"Oh," I said, and turned my face away from his.

"But Riley," he said as he took my face in both his hands, and brought it so I was facing him again. This time we were even closer to each other. I knew if I moved forward a little my lips would brush against his. "Even though it scares me, I can't seem to get enough of it. I tried to ignore it, I even tried to fight it, but, Riley, I don't want to fight it anymore," Before I realized what was happening his lips were on mine, and I felt an explosion of emotions. The emotions where coming from both me and him, and it made the kiss so much sweeter. I could feel the passion coming from both of us. From Sam I could feel that he was scared, but that he wanted this. From me I could feel the nervousness. I had been kissed before but not with such feeling, and for a quick moment I wished Sam could feel this the way I did.

Even though it felt longer, the kiss only lasted a few seconds before he quickly pulled back, and moved away from me. "How'd you do that?" Sam asked in shock.

"Do what?" I asked.

"I felt you. I mean I felt what you were feeling...I think..." He said, as he stood up. I was too surprised at what he said to respond. Nothing like this had ever happened before. I didn't know how to answer him. "There is something different about you, Riley. First that thing with my mom. I let it go because I thought maybe you looked up my family online or something, but the part about her almost killing me wasn't in the reports," he said more to himself, as he started pacing my room. "And now this," he stopped pacing and walked back to me. "I felt what you were feeling, Riley, I'm not making this up," he said, looking me in the eyes.

I sighed. I knew then I had to tell Sam the truth. "I know." I paused. "There is something I have to tell you, Sam. Something I think you are about to figure out anyway. But you may want to sit down for this." He nodded then quickly took a seat on my bed. I took a deep breath, and tried to calm myself down. "Sam," I started, but before I could say anymore he cut in.

"That's how it always is for you," he realized. "You feel what everyone else is feeling." Sam felt strangely calm about all of this.

I nodded. "But recently it's been more than that. Sometimes if the feeling is strong enough I can see what is making that person feel that way." I paused trying to figure out if I just made any sense.

"Like the lady on the bus?" he asked. "You had a vision of what she was feeling."

I nodded. "Her husband beats her," I informed him, "She was really scared to go home."

"So the bruise on your wrist?" he started.

"One of the last things I saw was him grabbing her wrist, it had to be from that," I finished.

For a while Sam just sat there deep in thought. I didn't say anything because I knew this was a lot to take in. I was just happy he didn't run out of the room yelling about what a freak I was. "And in the woods," he realized. "It happened again then."

"I saw how terrible your mom was to you, and that she almost killed you. But I didn't actually see that until that day in drawing and painting," I replied quietly.

"You saw that?" he asked in a whisper, and I felt how sad he was.

I got up from where I was sitting and sat down next to him on the bed. I took his hands in mine and said, "After what you said to me I thought that you knew."

He looked at me and replied, "I think I did, or at least part of me did. It's just so hard to believe."

"You must think I'm some kind of freak," I said staring down at his hands in mine.

Sam turned so that his whole body was now facing mine. He lifted my head up so I was looking into his eyes. Then with his one hand he brushed my hair out of my face, and I watched as a smile formed on his face. "Riley, I think you are anything but a freak. I think you're amazing." Then I felt the same desire I felt on the sidewalk. Sam wanted to kiss me again, maybe even more than that. Soon a smile formed on my face. "Though I must say it's rather embarrassing to know that you can feel what I feel." He paused and I swear I saw him blush a little. "Especially right now."

"But that's the thing Sam I don't always feel what you are feeling. After what you said I thought it was because you just weren't feeling anything and I think that's what it was at first, but now I think that I only feel what you are feeling when you want me to." After feeling his confusion I struggled to try and make what I just said easier to understand. "Like only when you want to open up to me do I feel what you're feeling."

I watched as Sam realized what I was saying and as soon as it clicked I couldn't feel anything from him. I smiled, "You know, you didn't have to hide what you were just feeling," I said, bringing my face closer to his so that our lips were almost touching.

He laughed, "Some feelings I'd rather keep to myself." Then he quickly closed the space between us. As the kissed deepened, his walls fell down and I soon felt all his emotions, mixing with mine. He leaned more into the kiss, urging me back, so I was lying on my bed and he was on top of me. His hand traveled up my leg to my hip as his emotions grew more intense.

Instead of letting him go any farther I pulled away, and smiled at him. A smile started to form on his face as he leaned back into the kiss. Right before his lips met mine I smiled again and said, "It's your turn."

He pulled back and asked, "My turn?"

"Yup," I said, propping myself up, as he moved so he was lying on his back beside me. "I told you something now it's your turn," I answered, with a smile on my face because I knew this wasn't what he wanted to be doing right now.

"Oh," he sighed. His walls were back up now. He lay there with his hands behind his head just thinking. Finally, he said, "My mom tried to kill me when I was younger."

"Doesn't count. I already know that," I replied.

"Yes," he said "but I didn't tell you," He smiled. "So therefore it counts." I started to protest, but knew I wasn't going to win so I sat back and let him tell me the story. He told me all about the scene I had seen in my head the other day. He told me how scared he was and how much hatred his mom had for him. All of this I knew from what I had seen. Then he went on to tell me that if it wasn't for his sister stepping in he may not have made it. He added that soon after is when his mom got put in jail and he was placed into foster care. I sat there and listened, unable to know how talking about any of this was making him feel, but wishing I did.

A/N I was able to cast a few charaters, but I am having so much trouble with Sam. So tell me who you think should play Sam.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, follow, comment, and share! Can't wait to post next weeks chapter!

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