Prologue: His Virgin Bride

Start from the beginning

Instead, I plaster a smile. “Sure, why not,” I reply. Chase raises a brow, but Consul Frost seems pleased. “Anything for the peace after all.”

It was the day after tomorrow, my wedding day.

I stood before the Priest, waiting for my husband-to-be to arrive. The Hunters were sat on my left, and the Royal Family of the Night Children were sat to my right. I took another glance at them –they were beautiful. They had that dark, mysterious aura to them, but they just looked stunning. A typical, yet annoying trait of the Night Children. When I had been a child; I had actually thought that they were godly, but after my parents were murdered. My morals changed, and I found myself deep in a pool of hatred. I despised them; but this was for the peace. I wasn't just doing this for me, I was doing this for everyone. Sadly, I was the victim.

Sighing to myself, I couldn’t believe that this was actually the starting point to the end of my life. After this; I’d have to give up my life as a high ranked Hunter for the role of a ‘loving’ wife. Note the sarcasm dripping from the word as reality strikes again.

I left a soft frustrated groan as I look down at my feet.

My legs were killing me as I stood there in a strapless white wedding dress and six inches heels. I’ve been waiting for my groom for the past ten minutes, don’t mind me, but wasn’t it meant to be the other way round? Wasn’t it supposed to be the groom that waits for the bride? And it didn’t help either that this was far from the fairy-tale wedding I had always dreamed about.

I’d admit that the dress is lovely and that my hair is looking spectacular, but the location of the wedding was at this old abandoned chapel near the borderline between the dimension of the living and the dead. Not to mention the Priest was one of them. As if he had heard me; the Priest shot me a frown as I feel icy, cold chills slither down my back.

I hear the sound of people standing up as I let out a sigh of relief.

He was here, and about time too.

“I’m truly apologise for my tardiness,” A husky voice echoes through the hall. “But all that matters right now is that I’m here now.” I glance to my side as I notice the damper dressed man standing beside me.

He grins down at me from where he stands, his dirty blonde hair glistens in the natural light as a glint of mischief appears in his deep grey eyes. He was very handsome; but he was also one of them. I turn back to the Priest as he begins recieting our vows. Vampire weddings were quick, and straight to the point.

“Do you, Xavier Drake take Kristine Philips to be your darling wife?” The Priest asks Xavier.

“I do.” Xavier replies with a grin as he glances at me, no, my body. My nose wrinkles slighly.

The Priest nods as he turns to me. “And do you, Kristine Philips take Xavier Drake to be your loving husband?” He asks me seriously.

You could turn away from all this, Kris, you can just walk away right now. Sure you’d get killed by Consul Frost and all the other Hunters, and maybe even a few vampires, but it’s got to be better than being married to the Prince of Vampires right? You’re twenty three, and young, there ought to be a ton of possibilities out there in the world for you. You could do anything. Anything you want... Don't you want that, Kris?

I grip the bouquet tightly, but my grip loosens soon after as I let out a sigh before I finally reply. “I do.” Several sighs of reliefs are heard from behind me.

I must have been pondering longer than I thought.

The Priest nods as he closes the book. “I hereby pronounce you man and wife,” Here comes the dreaded kiss. “You may now, bite the bride.” He announces. My eyes widen in shock.

Did he just say bite?

I feel two warm arms wrap around my waist as I look up to see Xavier grinning down at me. He pulls me closer to him as he presses me against his body, he leans forward and kisses my neck lightly before trailing lower. I hear a loud rip as I feel the dress corset break but not before his fangs sinks deeply into my left breast. I hear myself let out a moan.

I fall back against his arms as he cradles me closer to him.

My eyes getting heavier by the aching moment as I soon feel the world around me engulf me in darkness.

I toss and turn as I feel the softness of a bed. I begin pressing the surface once again as I feel it sinking in. My eyes snap open as I sit up. A blanket falls down as I notice that I was indeed on a bed, a very large bed. I look around to see that I was in a well-furnished bedroom. The curtains were pulled back, but it was easy to see that it was daytime. I must have been out for an entire day.

Well that’s kind of embarrassing.

I feel a chill as I look down and notice that I was practically naked. I yelp before looking under the blanket and sighing in relief. My underwear was still on, thank god for that. I look at my left breast as I observe two puncture marks. 

That bastard.

“Do you like it?” A voice whispers next to my ear.

I spin around to see the bastard himself as he grins down at me. “What did you do to me?” I ask him, my voice full of venom.

“Nothing other than change you out of those bloody clothes of course,” He says pleased with himself. “Unless you’d like to, because I sure wouldn’t mind.” His eyes linger on me as they darken slightly.

I pull up the blanket and wrap it around my body as I scowl at him from where I sat. “You’re sick.” I told him.

Xavier chuckles as he disappears before reappearing next to me in bed, his arm wrapped around my waist. “Oh love, you don’t know that half of it.” He whispers playfully. I shovel him away from me, but he didn’t move, instead, he came closer. “You know why we drew up a Treaty, Kristine?” He asks me.

“No,” I reply.

Xavier chuckles. “It’s typical of them to leave that detail out, well, now that we’re married. I might as well tell you,” He says. Xavier leans in, closer to me. I don’t pull away this time. “I’m very much not a virgin and neither is any other woman eligible to marry me in this dimension.” He whispers lowly into my ear before his lips trail softly against the crook of my neck.

My eyes widen as I push myself away from him. “What are you implying?” I ask him.

Xavier grins. “It’s exactly what I’m implying,” He replies as he comes closer. “I’m a manwhore, and I’m proud of it.” He concludes.

I was mortified. “Is that why?” I ask him. Xavier's grin widens.

“Yeah, that’s why we agreed to this Treaty. For a bride,” Xavier says causally as he stretches his arms out. “And according to Night Children law, the bride of the Prince must be a virgin. Someone pure.” He adds with a wink. "And tight." I flush.

“So the only reason I’m marrying you is because you pretty much fucked with every other female vampire out there?” I exclaim at him.

Xavier shrugs. “Well, there's more to that but let’s just go with that, love.” He replies.

I can’t believe this.

“I can’t believe you,” I tell him. “You’re disgusting.” Xavier chuckles.

“You may be saying that now, but when we’d get things moving along later tonight. You’ll learn to love it.” Xavier murmurs in my hair as I realise once more that he had used his vampire speed to get closer to me again. I try to move away, but his arms are wrapped tightly around my waist, holding me in place.

I frown, but inside I feel worried. What did say about later tonight?

“What do you mean when we’d get things moving along later tonight?” I whisper lowly.

Xavier grins as he nuzzles closer to me. “Let’s just say some things are about to get very ‘intimate’ between us.” He whispers into my ear.

And it did.

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