I smiled at him and walked off the stage. He pushed through the crowd and made his way to me. I took off my guitar and set it down on a nearby table. He came up to me and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close.

"Thank you." He whispered. I chuckled.

"Don't thank me. You deserved it Harry." I said. He pulled back and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"How did I get so lucky to have someone as amazing as you?" He asked.

"Ya know. I ask myself the same thing everyday." I said. He looked into my eyes.

"I'm nothing special Ed." He said looking away. He tried to walk away, but I grabbed his wrist gently and pulled him back.

"Harry. You're perfect to me. You know that. I think you're special. Anyone who can make me feel this way is special." I said.

"Do you honestly think that? Or is it just something you feel you need to say to make me feel better?" He asked. I was taken aback by his sudden anger.

"Harry. I'm saying it because it's something I feel about you. I'm not gonna lie to you. If I didn't feel it, I wouldn't say it." I said.

"Come off it Ed. I know that you think I'm a womanizer. You think I'm some incosiderate prick who doesn't care." He accused.

"Harry, when have I ever even hinted toward thinking that? What's wrong? I thought doing this would make you happy!" I cried.

"It was a sweet thing to do Ed. It really was. But I don't want to be lied to." He said.

"Harry! I'm not lying. I love you and I just want you to know how beautiful you are! Is that so fucking wrong?" I asked exasperatedly.

"No. It isn't if it's the truth. You can't think I'm so beautiful and amazing." He said.

"Harry. You're killing me. Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because how can someone think I'm so amazing and perfect, and beautiful when I don't even think it about myself?!" He cried. I sighed.

"Harry. Come on. Let's go home and talk." I said.

"No! I don't wanna talk anymore. I'm staying at Louis and Zayn's flat tonight." He said. He ripped his wrist away from my light grip and trudged away through the crowd. What just happened?

I couldn't let him walk away like that. It would make him feel worse. Like I really didn't care about him. I ran through the crowd and tried to find Harry. I then saw him putting on his jumper and getting ready to leave. I struggled through the crowd once again. While getting drinks spilled on my shoes, and people telling me to, 'watch out, ya prick.' But I didn't care. I just needed to get to Harry. I made it to him before he could walk out, and took his hand. He turned with an upset expression on his face.

"Ed! I said I don't wanna-." I cut him off with a kiss. He melted quickly and kissed me back. I held him to me and forced out all the passion I could, just to let him know that I love him. And that I won't ever lie to him. I pulled back and looked at him.

"Harry. I love you. More than anything in this world. I would never lie to you. And I never will. I say those things, because I believe them. And I sing those songs to you, because that's how you make me feel. And I'll keep saying those things. And singing those songs until you believe every word." I said. He looked up at the ceiling and bit his lip as tears formed in his eyes. I placed a hand on his cheek and caressed it slowly with my thumb.

"I don't deserve you." He said with a sad chuckle.

"Don't say that. It hurts me to think that you think badly about yourself." I said. He closed his eyes and tears streamed down his cheeks and onto my hands. I took my thumbs and wiped the tears away.

One Direction One-Shots! BoyxBoy {BOOK CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now