14 - sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ⚠︎︎

Start from the beginning

"Shit shit shit shit SHIT!" You run across your room and grab a random sweater before almost bumping into the wall and running out the door.

"What the fuck is going on up there.?" Kuroo mumbles staring up at the ceiling as he hears loud footsteps and bangs from the second floor. "Anyways as I was saying," Kuroo turns to look at Bokuto. "Use a condom. I don't want to be an uncle so soon. I left a couple in Y/n's purse, it will be a shame if they're a bigger fit on you." He smirks, making fun of how Bokuto's dick size is small.

"The guys who are cocky about their dick size are usually the ones who have the smallest one." Bokuto bluntly says. "And since you gave me condoms...they won't fit me but it's for a different reason," he winks before fixing his posture as he sees you walk down the stairs.

"Koutaro!" You exclaim and push Kuroo out of the way to hug the owl head. "I'm ready! Where are we going?" You tug onto the hem of his polo t-shirt, bugging him about where he will take you.

He chuckles at your cute attempts to convince him to tell you. "Well first, we're going out to eat and then after that it's a surprise!"

"Then let's hurry!!" You grab his arm and forcefully pull him out the house. He laughs and waves goodbye to Kuroo.

Kuroo folds his arms against his chest, staring at the couple's leaving figures. "Huh.


"Kotaro, you didn't have to take me here. I was okay with just us going to a ramen shop of some sort." You rub your neck while looking around the fancy restaurant.

"I know but you deserve it. And this time, I'm paying." He flashes his credit card with a smirk. "You better eat up, wouldn't want you to starve while I take you to your surprise later.!"

For the next 30 minutes, you and Bokuto would spend time talking about your future careers and the topics of family, trends, etc.

As he watched you eat your last bite of food, "Y/n, you are so gorgeous."

You softly smile at his sentence, "And you are so handsome~"

A light blush formed in his cheeks and avoided your gaze, "You ready to go?" You responded with a nod and Bokuto pats for the food, leaving a tip for the waiter.

Staring out the window of Bokuto's car, he drives you near the beach. The sun was setting making it reflect on the water with it's beautiful colors. "Is this it?" You ask the man.

He hums as he parks into an empty parking lot where there were no cars around. "I got us a beach house for the day!"

You widen your eyes at this, "A beach house? We're staying at a beach house?!" Unbuckling your seatbelt you quickly open the passenger door and rush out. Taking off your heels, you immediately run towards the sand letting the warm and soft minerals hit your naked feet. "Ah, the sand feels much better when it's cooled down..!" Your toes relax into the sand.

Bokuto chuckles as he approaches you, while also in the process of taking off his shoes. "I'm glad you like it. Let's take a walk, yeah?"

His hand holds out for you to take and you oblige. He takes you at the edge of the beach and the two of you begin to walk alongside the shore, hands intertwined.

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