There's a......Surprise Part 18

Start from the beginning

Jiang Cheng had dutifully stood in line, waiting behind a cowboy couple that would surely not be allowed in because of their wardrobe choices, I mean...come on, he thought, not for the first time wishing Wei WuXian was there to take the piss with him, when XiChen grabbed his arm and MingJue smiled indulgently, pulling him out of the line as they marched right up to the front doors.

The bouncers actually tipped their hats and let them in, throwing Jiang Cheng a cursory glance if that.

XiChen actually laughed at the look on his face.

Even the bartenders recognised MingJue's taller form and he was served first despite the clamouring crowd of wannabe revellers. A table was cleared for them right away and Jiang Cheng was having a surreal experience.

MingJue and XiChen didn't just like to dance, they loved it, and Jiang Cheng sat watching them, mesmerised. Their chemistry was off the charts as their bodies moved in complete symmetry, almost with some kind of sixth sense ability to predict the other's moves.

Jiang Cheng had to admit, it was kind of hot to see them glide over the dance floor...but then, he made eye contact with XiChen and like a deer caught in headlights, he was unable to tear his amethyst eyes away from honey coloured ones, as both XiChen and MingJue began to dance for him.

They turned their bodies fractionally towards him, and XiChen wasn't looking away as MingJue let his hands roam lower and lower...and why was it suddenly so hot in here?

Jiang Cheng ripped off his tie, still watching them, and he knew from the look on both of their faces that they were just as affected by him as he was by them.

Suddenly, MingJue was striding towards him and Jiang Cheng barely had enough time to stand up before his mouth was taken in a hot possessive kiss, his breath stolen along with every single thought. Waves of pleasure swamped his nerves, cranking up the pressure in the air around him, crackling like a live wire.

MingJue was a hot pot of a firework in his belly, exploding with desire.

Jiang Cheng didn't even know how he ended up on the dance floor but suddenly XiChen was looking at him like that, and they ended up lighting that club on fire.

All in all, that night ended with a very satisfactory ending for everyone, even if Jiang Cheng didn't remember everything that happened....

A couple of nights later, they went out to eat having decided to meet MingJue at an exclusive restaurant. XiChen picked Jiang Cheng up from his apartment, remarking ever so casually that things would be so much easier if Jiang Cheng lived closer...and Jiang Cheng was so surprised, he had pretended not to hear...but XiChen's words stayed inside him like a fetus growing every day.

He tried not to look at those thoughts...always afraid.

XiChen had told him at the start when they were just exploring what they three could be to one another, that he would have an equal stake in this relationship between the three of them. However, because the other two had already been a couple beforehand, and for quite some time, Jiang Cheng sometimes felt like an extra. Most of the time, he could tell himself to stop being silly, that this was only inside his own head, not in anybody else's...but he had his dark days too.

Those were the days when he could not extinguish the flames of his mother's words, coming back to burn his soul with her harshness. His mother was not of the maternal kind, and it really was a miracle that his sister was so nurturing, when she couldn't possibly have learned by example.

Nothing good ever came out of his mother's mouth, just degrees of barbed comments designed to cause maximum hurt, and while Jiang Cheng was extremely glad that he had left her home with Wei WuXian back then, he wished he could have left earlier. If there was a way to expunge the memories of his time in her house, because it certainly wasn't a home, and definitely wasn't his, he would grab that lifeline with both hands right away.

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