She's Completely Different: Valentina

Start from the beginning

"Brandon Dixon..."

"James Leyva,"

"H-E-A-R, here!" she answers enthusiastically.

You tense up hearing that voice again. That cute, seemingly cartoonish and flamboyant voice. The words that would come out of it. The little hymns and whispers it would create. It took you back to a place you haven't been in a while.

"Y/N!" you broke out of your zone when Ty nudged you.

"Huh? What?" you ask, still dazed. Instead of answering, they point at the director.

"Is, uh, Y/N Y/L/N not here?"

"I'm here!" you respond, louder than you intended. All eyes go to you and you slowly bow your head in shame to hide your face.

The director goes on with the roll call as faces gradually look away from you. However, one stayed. Your irises made contact before you pulled away.

"OKAY, Y/N, TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON." Ty whisper-shouted yet again, lightly pushing you in the empty dressing room for the dancers. Since it's your first day, there really was nothing to do besides the orientation. However, they organized a little after-party to celebrate.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"Don't 'what do you mean?' me! You're the one who's been acting weird."

"Weird? What's weird?"

They roll their eyes, "Something's wrong bestie, and if you don't tell me right now I'll find out sooner or later anyways."

You defenselessly sigh, falling back on the chair. They sit on another beside you.

"She's my ex."

Their eyes widened, "EX? WHO?"


They sat there agape before throwing their hands up and running around the room, "VALENTINA'S YOUR EX??!!"

"TY, BE QUIET!" you shush.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE QUIET!" they took a deep breath and dramatically fell back on the chair, "How is she your ex?? And why have you never told me??"

"It was a long time ago. We were dumb teenagers who... I don't even know."

"So, all this time, we've been watching Drag Race together and you didn't say a word?"

You shrug, "I didn't think it was important."


"I-I don't even know Ty, like, I was shocked when I watched Season 9."

"That's why you never rewatched it with me, huh?"


"How long did you date?"

"Not more than a year. We haven't seen each other since I moved to New York."

"Okay, so," they adjusted themselves on the seat, "You haven't seen each other since, and it just so happens that we got this job at the same time as her? Y/N, THIS IS DESTINY!"

You made a stink face, "Destiny? Destiny your ass!"

"It makes perfect sense! Why else would this bizarre coincidence happen? You're MEANT TO BE."

"Ty, look," you say, "I haven't been in touch with her. Our relationship was weird and short-lived. We rarely had time for each other. We fought a lot. I don't even think she really cared about me... The only way we would ever get a chance is if we were in some alternate Wattpad universe where she's just.. a completely different person."

You made your way out of the dressing room into the after-party. Just as you close the door behind you, your eyes meet again. "Oh crap," you say to yourself, "This is going to be awkward."

Before you knew it, she had made her way over to you. The body language told it all, despite being the cheerful enthusiastic person she seems to be, her left hand is massaging her right arm and her right hand looks to be tightly gripping the red cup she's holding.

"H-hi, Y/N, um, how have you been?" she started.

"I-I don't even know how to answer that," you cut to a laugh trying to keep things light but it came out more awkward and forced, "It's been-it's been a whirlwind."

"I bet."

"Yup," you reply, popping the 'p', "How about you? You're the one who's on television now and on the cover of Vogue."

You immediately regret saying that, "God, now she probably thinks I'm a stalker."

"Yeah, ever since Drag Race this Latina's just been really kicking it."

"Good for you, I didn't even know you did drag back then."

"I wasn't doing drag back when-" she cuts herself off, trying not to make this moment more difficult for you. "Back in the days, you know. I haven't found Valentina yet, but when I did, gosh darn was it so beautiful."

You unknowingly smile, "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you. It's crazy that we just happened to land this project together!"

"I know, what a coincidence!" you yell out, probably louder than you intended, "Um, listen, do you wanna catch up sometime? Coffee, lunch, whatever, your pick?"

You don't know where you got the courage to ask that, but you did. For some reason, the person you are talking to is not the James you know. She's a completely different person. And you wanted to know her.

"Yeah, sure of course! I'll hit you up! Great seeing you Y/N," she said before leaving.

Before you could process what just happened, Ty came over beside you and released a grating scream near your ear.

"TY!" you shout, massaging your ear.



"Nothing? Don't fool me, Y/N. You just talked with your ex who you haven't seen in YEARS and oh yeah, I forgot to mention, she just so happens to be A WORLD RENOWNED DRAG QUEEN."

"Cut it! Calm the hell down!" you say, "We just checked up on each other,"


"And I asked her if we could get coffee or whatever sometime-" you were interrupted by them shaking your shoulders and silently screaming.


"We just want to catch up! As you said, we haven't seen each other since she broke up with me just before high school graduation." your shoulders fell down, "But, I don't know, maybe it's just me or she's... totally different?"

"She's your ex. You haven't seen her in a long time. Maybe that's why she seems so different to you."

"Yeah, you're right." you sigh, "At least I have time to collect myself and figure out what I'd say to her."

"Totally!" they agree, but their expression quickly changes as you hear the sound of heels coming towards you, "Well, maybe not."

"Hi!" she greets, "Turns out I've probably chatted to everyone in this party and my schedule might not clear up in the following days. Do you wanna catch up now?"

[A/N: Part 2 tomorrow!]

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