"Same goes to you," I responded and waved.

I walked fast out of the store and headed straight for my house. As soon as I was a little far from the store, I pulled out the test, I stared at it for a while.

Did I really just steal a pregnancy test? Stupid of me, I'm a guy I cant be right?

I arrived home and went straight for my room.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, where do you think your going in such a rush?" I was caught.

"Just going to go play a few video games, you know," I lied.

"Did you get the pills?" Shin crossed his arms.

"Yes," I said proudly.

"Alright take one and you can go," Shin started to walk away.

I took one and started walking towards my room. I locked all my doors, closed my curtains and went to the bathroom. I looked at the directions, the only thing it said was piss in it and wait until lines show up. One line meant negative and two meant positive.

"Thats it? Ok I guess it cant be too hard, right?" I started to shiver a bit, I had a bad vibe.

I started to piss on the small stick and waiting a few minutes.

"Ughhhh, load faster!" I started pacing around until I heard a knock on my door.

I reacted so suddenly. I got the stick and put it under my bed, turned on my TV, got my headset, controller and started to fake play.

Shin then walked in

"Hey Mikey, I brought a few snacks for you," he placed the tray of food in front of me.

I had never sweat so much in my entire life.

"Thank Shin," I said.

"Oh looks like your having a bit of trouble, let me help you," he walked up to me.

"Ok sure, my other controller is on top of my bed," I thought maybe playing with him should clear up my head.

"Ok," he found it. He got it but then dropped it and it fell under my bed.

"Aww man, get over here you controller," he started to reach under.


"ARGGGGGGGGG," I raged and hit him with my controller on the head so hard.

"OWWW, THE HELL MIKEY, WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!??" he rubbed his head.


"Ok? Ill leave you too it then?" Shin said so curious and confused.

I got on my bed and fake snored until Shin was gone.

Once he was gone, I quickly stretched my arm under the bed to get the test. I was about to scream when I saw the response.


"No, no, no, no way, its fake, I cant be pregnant, right?" I ran my hands through my head. I couldn't believe this, this had to be some dream.

I have to get my hands on more tests. I took some of my money, jumped out the window and ran to the convenient store again.

"Hello again sir, what may I do for assistance?" it was the same lady from before.

"Just these 4 pregnancy tests please," I smiled.

"Oh, not to get into your business but, the pills, these tests, who are they for?" she asked.

"Oh well ummm, they are for my older sister," I made up.

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